Illustrated problem reports

You can simply copy the relevant word or two into a Problem report with the dictionary entry or the text you were reading, but some of you send images. All good, I’m only at 96% of my Google storage.😇 Two recent ones (I’m impressed with the straight line but freehand works too). Both now corrected. […]

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Over-short short definitions

Below an illustration of the kind of thing for which corrections are always welcomed. As you see in the image, and as you might have imagined for yourself, the current short definition for προεκπίπτω in Logeion is lacking. From the LSJ entry, you can see how these short definitions originally came into being. The first […]

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A new spring a new – blog?

Not all is clear on the interface here, but maybe I’m starting a new blog here for occasional use. Most Logeion news has gone out through Twitter, and perhaps it’s time to set up an alternative. Also I’ve learned that not all have access to the standard problem report forms on Logeion, Attikos, and PhiloLogic. […]

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Hello world!

With Twitter circling the drain, I decided to put in for a place for occasional posts here. No telling what it will be like, but I suppose you can watch this space now. Questions about Logeion, Attikos, PhiloLogic? Feel free to ask.

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