Rina Foygel Barber
Associate Professor, Departments of Statistics
Claire Donnat
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and the College
Michael Franklin
Liew Family Chair of Computer Science
Cong Ma
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and the College
Rana Hanocka
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, College
Junchen Jiang
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
David McAllester
Professor, Toyota Technological Institute
Victor Veitch
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and the College, and the Data Science Institute
Lek-Heng Lim
Professor, Department of Statistics (CAMI) and the College
Robert Grossman
Frederick H. Rawson Distinguished Service Professor in Medicine and Computer Science
Daniel Sanz-Alonso
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics (CAMI) and the College
Yali Amit
Professor, Departments of Statistics, Computer Science, and the College
Henry Hoffmann
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
Matthew Stephens
Ralph W. Gerard Professor, Departments of Statistics, Human Genetics, and the College
Chao Gao
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and the College
Mladen Kolar
Assistant Professor of Econometrics and Statistics
Karen Livescu
Associate Professor, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
Greg Shakhnarovich
Associate Professor, Departments of Computer Science, Statistics, and the College
Yuehaw Khoo
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics (CAMI) and the College
Chenhao Tan
Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Data Science
Risi Kondor
Associate Professor, Departments of Computer Science, Statistics, and the College
Yi Sun
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and the College
Jingshu Wang
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and the College
Postdoctoral Researchers
Graduate Students
Recent Graduates
Nedelina Teneva (July 2017) now at Amazon
Qinqing Zheng (July 2017) now at Facebook
Gustav Larsson (June 2017) now at Apple
Nikita Mishra (June 2017) now at Solvvy
Dinah Shender (July 2015) now at Google
Lian Huan Ng (July 2015) now at Zillow
Maia Fraser (August 2013) now at the University of Toronto
Ankan Saha (July 2013) now at LinkedIn
Morgan Sonderegger (August 2012) now at McGill