Fabricated in the Logan Shop, SUNBOX was a project completed by Logan Shop staffer Zoe Kauder Nalebuff on the UChicago Main Quad in front of Swift Hall from February 23-March 1, 2015. The 8×8” room had internally lit walls and no roof, so the light shined upwards at night like a beacon. The project was in the works for about a year in a half and came to fruition through the generosity of the UChicago Arts Student Fine Arts Fund, The Dean’s Fund, and help from the Facilities Electric Shop and The Logan Wood Metal and Machine Shop. The conceptual basis of SUNBOX is rooted in James Turrell’s light installations, which use light and illumination as powerful emotive tools. The goal of SUNBOX was to be a transformative space that allowed for a short interruption of the campus routine for communing and community building. Visually, SUNBOX interrupted the gray winter, and conceptually it engaged how we interact spatially with our campus. The interruption created by a strange structure in a known space refreshed the day, providing the space and time for contemplative and restorative thoughts through curiosity. During this time in the depth of winter, SUNBOX provided light and warmth for the UChicago community in a new and playful way.