Voces Magicae and the Power of the Unintelligible (fourth session)

September 14th 2023
9:00 Chicago – 16:00 CET – 17:00 Thessaloniki

Organised by Panagiota Sarischouli, Raquel Martín Hernández and Sofía Torallas Tovar

9:00 Introduction ~ Panagiota Sarischouli

9:15 Anastasia Maravela, “The Sesenbarpharanges – logos in the Magical Papyri”

9:45 Roxanne Bélanger Sarrazin, “Voces Magicae in Coptic Apocrypha”

10:15 Michael Freeman and Amanda Cates Ball, “Power Inscribed on their Skin”

10:45 Discussion

More information: vocesmagicae.project@gmail.com

CONFERENCE : Late antique magic handbooks: contents, scribal characteristics, contacts 

July 3rd, 2023, Norwegian Institute at Athens

Organized by Chris A. Faraone & Sofía Torallas Tovar (Chicago) and Anastasia Maravela (Oslo)
9:00               Introduction

9:15-9:45      Panagiota Sarischouli (Thessaloniki) “Historiolae in late magical papyri”

9:45-10:15   Chris Faraone (Chicago) “One Benefit of a Magical Handbook Roll: Representing Curse Tablet Facsimiles”

10:15-10:45 Richard Gordon (Erfurt) “Invocation of sacred places in the longer rolls: Geographical allusion as a strategy of legitimation”

10:45-11:00 Discussion

11:30-12:00 Anastasia Maravela (Oslo) “GEMF 68/PGM XXXVI: its scribe, sections, and contacts”

12:00-12:30 Raquel Martín Hernández (Madrid) “Scribal practice in GEMF 74/PGM VII”

12:30-12:45 Discussion

14:00-14:30 Sofía Torallas Tovar (Chicago) “GEMF 55/PGM III, new order and new observations of scribal practice”

14:30-15:00 Alberto Nodar (Barcelona) “On the hands of GEMF 55/PGM III”

15:00-15:30 Korshi Dosoo (Wurzburg) “P.Rain.Cent. 39 and the use of the rotulus for magical texts”

15:30-15:45 Discussion

16:00-16:30 Amphilochios Papathomas and Marianna Thoma (Athens) “Casting out Evil Spirits: An Early Christian Exorcism from Egypt”

16:30-17:00 Michael Zellmann-Rohrer (Berlin) “Comparative perspectives on the magical rolls from astrological treatises”

17:00-17:30 Anna Monte (Udine) “Magical and medical handbooks compared”

17:30-18:00 Nicola Reggiani (Parma/Udine) “Digital encoding of technical texts: magical and medical papyri in comparison”

18:00 Discussion and closing
With financial support from The Neubauer Collegium, University of Chicago and the Nansenfondet/Michael Width Endresens fond for Sunnmøre næringsliv.

More information: vocesmagicae.project@gmail.com


Voces Magicae and the Power of the Unintelligible (third session)

June 2nd 2023
9:00 Chicago – 16:00 CET – 17:00 Thessaloniki

Organised by Panagiota Sarischouli, Raquel Martín Hernández and Sofía Torallas Tovar

9:00 / 16:00 Introduction

9:15 / 16:15 Anett Rózsa (Heidelberg): “When I came into being, the existence came into being” / The χαβραχ-logos in Papyri Graecae Magicae and on magical gems

9:45 / 16:45 Markéta Preininger (Würzburg):  Methodological Approaches to Classifying Voces Magicae

10:15 / 17:15 Krisztina Hevesi (Berlin): Voces Magicae in Coptic Magical Archives


11:00 / 18:00 David Frankfurter (Boston): “In Praise of Nonsense”: a Reconsideration
11:30 / 18:30 Michael Zellmann-Rohrer (Berlin): Voces magicae in the medieval Greek texts


12:00 / 19:00 Ursula Hammed (Munich): Voces magicae in Arabic texts

12:30 / 19:30 Conclusion

Registration: vocesmagicae.project@gmail.com

Voces Magicae and the Power of the Unintelligible

Thessaloniki/Madrid/Chicago (online conference) January 20th and 27th 2023

Register (free) at Eventbrite

Friday January 20th 2023:  8:00 Chicago – 15:00 CET – 16:00 Thessaloniki

8/15/16:00 Panagiota Sarischouli (Thessaloniki) Introduction: Aims of the conference 

 8/15/16:30 Monika Amsler (Bern) Voces magicae as Intellectual Innovation: Basis and Development


9/16/17:00 Chris Faraone (Chicago) Voces Magicae as Template Designs

9/16/17:30 Sofía Torallas Tovar (Chicago) Towards a Paleography of the voces magicae

BREAK (15 min)

10/17/18:15 Raquel Martín Hernández (Madrid) In and out. Voces magicae and figurae magicae

10/17/18:45 Panagiota Sarischouli (Thessaloniki) Voces magicae. Auditory and visual impressions

11/18/19:15 Alberto Nodar (Barcelona) Graphic rendering of the voces magicae in GEMF 57/PGM IV

Friday January 27th 2023:  8:00 Chicago – 15:00 CET – 16:00 Thessaloniki

8/15/16:00 Svenja Nagel (Heidelberg) Voces magicae in (Egyptian) Context(s)

8/15/16:30 Korshi Dosoo (Würzburg) Great and Unspeakable Names: Notes on Voces Magicae in Magical Texts from Christian Egypt

9/16/17:00 Gideon Bohak (Tel Aviv) Voces magicae in ancient Jewish Amulets

9/16/17:30 Ortal-Paz Saar (Utrecht) Order and Entropy in Jewish voces magicae: A Digital Exploration

BREAK (15 min)

10/17/18:15 Kelly Holob (Chicago) Voces Magicae in the New Testament Apocrypha


10/17/18:45 Árpád Miklós Nagy (Budapest) After magical gems – voces magicae on Late Antique amulets

11/18/19:15 Celia Sánchez Natalías (Zaragoza) The materiality of voces magicae in Latin defixiones from Roman Africa

11/18/19:45 Attilio Mastrocinque (Verona) Α magical love inscription in the British Museum


Chicago, October 13-14 2022

From PGM IV to GEMF 57: New Approaches to the Great Paris Magical Codex

Thursday, October 13 2:30 p.m.
Session 1: Materiality

3:00 p.m. Sofia Torallas Tovar (University of Chicago) “GEMF 57: Codicology and Scribal Production”

3:45 p.m. Raquel Martín Hernández (Universidad Complutense Madrid) “GEMF 57: Further on Scribal Production”

4:30 p.m. Alberto Nodar Domínguez (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) “The Handwriting Variation in GEMF 57”

Friday, October 14
Session 2: On General Questions

9:30 a.m. Michael Zellmann-Rohrer (Freie Universität Berlin) “Astrology and Magic in GEMF 57”

10:15 a.m. Radcliffe Edmonds (Bryn Mawr College) “Rhetoric of Secrecy in GEMF 57”

11:15 a.m. Panagiota Sarischouli (Aristotle University Thessalonike) “The Osirian Myth in GEMF 57” Note: This paper will be presented via Zoom.

12:00 p.m. Kelly Holob (University of Chicago) “Christianities in GEMF 57”

Session 3: On Specific Parts

2:00 p.m. Korshi Dosoo (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg) “The Memorandum of Aeëtes: A New Look at the ‘Mithras Liturgy’”

2:45 p.m. Phil Venticinque (University of Chicago) “Enchanting Customers: Retail and the Shop Spells in GEMF 57”

3:30 p.m. Sophia Alkhoury (University of Chicago) “Addressing the Gods: Metrical Sections in GEMF 57 and the Genre of Hymn”

Session 4: Beyond GEMF 57

4:45 p.m. Christopher Faraone (University of Chicago) “The Problem of Presenting the Landscape-Design of Curse Tablets in Two Magical Handbooks: GEMF 57 and 55”

5:30 p.m. Jordan Johansen (University of Chicago) “Epistolary Magic in GEMF 31 and 57”

Berlin, May 19-20 2022

Scribes and Readers of Magical Texts in Late Antique and Medieval Egypt

Thursday, May 19
Scribal Practices I

9:30 Anastasia Maravela (University of Oslo) “PMG XXXVI/GEMF 68: Its Scribe and Sections”

10:15 Sofía Torallas Tovar (U. Chicago-Wissenschaftskolleg, Berlin) “Comparative Scribal Practice: Magical Handbooks and Schoolbooks”

11:30 Sebastian Richter (FU Berlin) “Specified Inks in Coptic Magical Texts: At the Crossroads of Philology, Lexicography, and Ancient Technology”

12:15 Richard Gordon (U. Erfurt) “Authors, Anonymity and Books in the Graeco-Egyptian Magical Papyri”

Ritual Performances

2:30 Raquel Martín Hernández (U. Complutense de Madrid) “Practice your spells when it suits you best: The Calendars Transmitted in PGM III and PGM VII”

3:15 Krisztina Hevesi (FU Berlin) “Who did use master texts? The Role of Ritualists in Coptic Magical Texts”

4:15: Christopher Faraone (U. Chicago) “The Curse Tablet from Cos and the Magical Handbook that Produced It”

Friday, May 20
Scribal Practices II

9:30 Korshi Dosoo (U. Würzburg) “Greek Terms and Abbreviations in Coptic Handbooks”

10:15 Alberto Nodar (U. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) “Secluding Book-hands from Magical Texts”

Human and Divine Readers

11:30 Joseph Sanzo (U. ca Foscari, Venice) “Human Readers, Divine Readers: Reflections on the Convergences/Divergences of the History of the Book and Late Antique Egyptian Magic”

12:15 Giuditta Mirizio (U. Heidelberg) “Not Only for Divine Eyes: Prayers for Justice and their Reception”

Healing and Health

2:30 Andreas Winkler (FU Berlin) “Obstetrics with Divine Assistance: Magical Approaches to Birthing, from Ancient Egypt to Late Antiquity”

3:15 Panagiota Sarischouli (U. Thessalonike) “Greco-Egyptian Iatromagical Formularies: Authors, Redactors and Readers”

4:15 Michael Zellmann-Rohrer (FU Berlin) “From Incantation to Spell to Speech: The Hellenistic Mystodokos-motif in Late Antiquity and Beyond”


Paris, U Chicago Center, September 27-28, 2021

Incantatory Words. Greek and Egyptian Languages in the Magical Papyri

Monday 27 September 2021

3:15 Korshi Dosoo (Würzburg) – Sonja Dahlgren (Helsinki) Phonemics and Orthography in the Theban Magico-Alchemical Codices

4:00 Marja Vierros (Helsinki) Ellipsis and Parataxis. Some Observations about the Syntax of the Magical Papyri.

4:45 Sofía Torallas Tovar (Chicago) Egyptian traits in the Greek of PGM VIII and IX: scribe or tradition?

5:30 Michael Zellmann-Rohrer (Berlin) “Egyptianized” Greek beyond Egypt

Tuesday 28 September 2021
Literary language

09:30 Christopher Faraone (Chicago) Hexametrical Language in the Magical Papyri: Hymn, Oracle and Incantation

10:15 Richard Gordon (Erfurt) Rhetoric, body and music in the final section of GEMF 60 (pp.17-21 = ll. 746-932)

11:00 Miriam Blanco Cesteros (Madrid) Naming the Gods (with Originality). Mechanisms of lexical creativity in the divine epiklêsis of PGM

2:00 Raquel Martin (Madrid) Naming magical procedures. Hapax legomena in PGM VII.

2:15 Panagiota Sarischouli (Thessaloniki) A Glossary of Voces Magicae: Some Further Thoughts