Ever been mooned by a bug? I had this happen to me on my recent hike on one of my favorite trails in the Indiana Dunes, the #2/10 loop in the state park. It was a great time to be out in a marsh, not too hot, mosquitos have not come out yet and the foliage is just starting to come up making it easier to spot animals. Plenty of wild flowers too, but the highlight of the day was getting mooned by a fly who apparently resented my taking his pic.

This guy was holding real still while I took my time lining up this shot, so I figured he was ok with my taking his picture…

… butt then he turned and showed me what he really thought of my invasion of his privacy. Mooned by a fly, what a jerk! That’s the beauty of nature, every time out you see something new.

This fellow was much more laid back and did not take exception to me taking his picture, unlike his buddy above.

This fella was too busy rolling around in the pollen, like a cat with catnip, to even notice my presence. I was able to get multiple nice shots of him.

Of course where you got flies, you tend to also got these guys. Really tiny little orb weaver. He was so light that he was swaying all over the place with every little puff of wind, making it real challenging to get a clear image, this was the best I could do.

And of course, where you gots flies and spiders, there must also be plenty of Bullfrogs. I sat and watched this guy for almost an hour because the waters all around him were full of water snakes. I kept expecting one of them to eventually run into him and was very curious to see how that would turn out. For whatever reason however they didn’t cross paths while I was watching.
Quite wonderful! Thanks for sharing these, Mark.