Spent some time out on the Miller Woods trail in the Indiana Dunes National Park this weekend. It was the first 70 degree weekend here, clear skies and no wind. As the above image attests, it is looking like it will be a good year for Lupine in the park. This trail, along with West Beach and Tolleston Dunes, are going to be filled with it in a couple weeks.
This small hillside will soon be almost as blue as the sky behind it.Birdsfoot Violet is starting to pop up. One of my favorite Violets because it always looks like it is sticking its tongue out at you.
Wood Betony is starting to show as well. Along with the Lupine this is one of the early spring treats at the park.
Every year the park service does a controlled burn in this area. I always enjoy watching the fresh green shoots poking out of the ashes.These small interdunal wetlands known as Pannes are where you find an incredible array of wildflowers, insects, mosses, fungi, etc. Water levels are high throughout the park, which bodes well for a vibrant spring. Unfortunately it also portends a nasty mosquito season coming soon. Kinda looks like a popcorn plant to me. Closer to the lake, by the lagoons you see the grasses and reeds beginning to arise. I always stop to take come photographs of these early shoots. They kinda remind me of the leaning tower of piza.Earth Star mushrooms are just look creepy.Natures version of barbed wire. This particular little flesh ripper is encroaching on a very narrow part of the trail which passes along side one of the lagoons. There was no shortage of turtles out sunning themselves on this day.