The image above is a closeup of the very bottom of a Dutchman’s Breeches flower, which I was able to capture using a Nikon 200mm Macro lens.
It never ceases to impress me how quickly the switch flips once nature decides the time has arrived to begin the spring bloom. It may take a while to arrive in NW Indiana, but when it does it is always pretty awesome. The Heron Rookery trail in the IDNP always puts on a great display of wildflowers at this time of year. The trail itself is unremarkable as it simply runs in a straight line alongside the Little Calumet River for about a mile and half. But it is situated in a floodplain with nutrient rich soil that the wild flowers love. In addition to the river the surrounding area holds a lot of standing water, which the mosquitos really love. They have not come out in force yet, but soon this trail will be swarming with the little buggers.
Here are just a few of the photographs which I collected while out on the trail.
As always, just click on any image to see it full size.