Green and Grey

One of the things I like about this time of year is the contrast between the greyish blues, greens and browns found in the overcast skies and the still dormant foliage, and the little bits of bright green popping up from underneath the remnants of the previous autumn.

The letter “A” in this scene will hardly be visible once all the greenery starts to fill in.

All across the forest floor you can spot the vibrant green of fresh spring growth.

Looks like this year is going to start off wet. Last year most of the foreground of this image was mud with little standing water.

Green shoots reaching skyward. Soon you will have to make an effort to see the brown leaves as they will be absolutely overwhelmed by the greenery.

Often on days like this I encounter people who see me with my camera on a tripod and comment how its a shame that the weather is not “better” for taking pictures. Surrounded by a scene like this, I just don’t get it.

Skunk Cabbage are nearing their peak this time of year. The fruits are still a bit yellow, but give em another week.

In the middle of the image (vertically) you can see the beaver dam which must run for a few hundred yards at least.

Normally it is difficult to get a clear picture of the fruit inside the Skunk Cabbage as it is usually deep in shadow.

I assume that these piles of branches are being built up by beavers, though it does seem like they are too close to the boardwalk to be lodges.

I will end this post with the promise of spring greenery to come.


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