Seeing – What do you see?

When out on a hike on a heavily wooded trail, what do you see?

Hiking along a trail like this, your eye-brain system is presented with an overwhelming amount of information.  The amount of detail in a scene like this can make it seem featureless and uninteresting.  Not too long ago I would have plowed through an area like this and come away feeling like it was ok, but not particularly interesting or inspiring.

Even stopping to take a closer look just reveals a seemingly infinite number of green leaves.  It certainly does not scream out “fascinating nature photography opportunity“.  At least it never did to me.  Similarly most of the people I hike with, and many who I encounter on the trail feel the same way.  A trail like this is often viewed as a way to get to some other more “interesting” destination like a beach, or is simply a source of exercise.  I suspect that most people would find it quite boring to hike a trail like this over and over and over again.  Maybe come back in fall when the colors are changing, but certainly not in the winter when everything is dead.

Up until a few years ago this is how I used to see nature when out on a typical forested trail here in the midwest.  But then something interesting happened and I began to see nature in a whole new way.

Other Posts in this Series

Seeing – What Do You See

Seeing – Learning To See Differently

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