Favorite pool of stagnant water…

Yes, I actually have a favorite pool of stagnant water out at the Indiana Dunes. Several as it turns out. But my absolute favorite is this one spot on the Bailly Calumet trail. A 3ft wide depression next to the trail that is always full of water in the spring. Consequently it is also full of larvae! Mostly mosquito larvae, but probably plenty of others including various flys. I have been visiting this particular puddle for 3 years now. I like to check it out several times through out the spring to watch how it evolves.

(Click on any image to view it full size.)

Do you have a favorite pool of stagnant water? If not, why not.

More Cold And Rainy

Don’t get me wrong, I am looking forward to the early spring bloom and the warmer weather that are creeping up on us. But there is just as much beauty in nature in the cold and rainy weather of late February and early March. There are so many sharp details that stand out now, which will later be lost in the lush greenery to come. And the way that a soft, cold rain coats everything is different than in other seasons.

You can click on an image to see it full size.

To me there is no one season, or type of weather which is best for enjoying being outside. All times and conditions are equally beautiful. Nature simply has an endless supply of things to see and experience for those who go out and look. So while I am looking forward to spring, I am in no way waiting around for winter to end.