Fully into summer now, with plenty of wild flowers blooming and insects of all kinds out and about. A recent hike at the Tolleston Dunes turned into a bugfest. Both literally in terms of the mosquitos, and photographically. When it comes to getting closeup shots of insects it helps to have a telephoto lens with a high magnification factor, that way you can get great images without having to be so close that you frighten off your subject.
The image at the top of this post was the last photograph I took that day. Near the upper left hand corner there is a Weevil, which looks like a beetle with a vacuum hose attachment where the face should be. I like how it appears as if the flower just above it is prepared pounce on the insect.
For day two of my camping trip I spent the afternoon out on the Great Marsh Trail. It had rained the night before and most of the morning so all of the vegetation was coated with water when I arrived. By definition a marsh is a pretty wet and moist environment, and after a good soaking rain it is even more so. Pretty much the perfect conditions for this sort of trail, in my opinion. As the image above shows, the slugs pretty much agreed with me, though this one was trying to hide behind a leaf.