To get an introduction on 3D printing, read the basics-of-3D-printing.pdf attached to this page.
RAISE3D Pro 2: Use ideaMaker software to slice objects. Can send files directly to printer from lab computer.
Perform Z-homing before each print to verify that the build surface is properly offset from the nozzles.
Home the X/Y-axis by selecting the “Home” button, then Z-axis “Home” button.
Make sure that the nozzles do not touch the build surface. If they do, follow the bed offset procedure below:
The distance between the nozzle and the printing platform can be adjusted by turning the thumb screw on the left-front corner of the Z-plate, the higher the screw stands out, the further the distance between the nozzle to the printing platform gets.
Select “10mm” for “Move Steps” and move X to 50mm and Y to 10mm
Home the Z-axis.
Using the 0.2mm feeler gauge – located inside the printer enclosure by the right-hand door – check the distance between the nozzle and printing platform.
Feel for a small amount of friction when you slide the feeler gauge into the gap.
If the gap is too large or small, adjust the bed offset by using the Z-plate thumbscrew and re-home the Z-axis.
Pg. 14 – 20181113 Pro2 Series – Quick Start Guide (
For remote printing: Before starting a print, make sure the print bed is clear via the remote camera.
Filaments: Raise3D PLA can be used with this printer. Also possible are Overture PLA filaments.
PRUSA SL1: Use PrusaSlicer software to make GCode files for this printer. Files are transferred to the printer using the SD card.
Funmat Pro 410 G2: In the machine shop. Information on the printer on Box under Facilities and Equipment > MCP Student Shop > Intamsys Pro 410
We have high temp (>350C H) and low temp (L) print heads.
Nylon support filament has to be kept dry.
Use INTAMSUITE to slice objects for the printer (can open 3MF, OBJ, STL and X3D files).
2022 January: Nozzle 2 (right) is broken and replaced ⇒ get second spare tip
2021 December: Bed leveling and test print with dissolvable material.
2021 November: Changed o-ring for the cooling system on the hot end block in by the nozzles (John) – Fixed coolant leak.
2021 Summer: Purchased and installed in machine shop