The Pi is at the IP address You can access the webcam or log in remotely. This link will access the live streaming camera.
SSH with pi@ – ask Marc or Zach for the password.
When the device was set up the IP address was (address changed to sometime before Aug 19)
Records from the camera are in the /var/lib/motion folder. Records older than a week are automatically erased.
The Pi is a Raspberry Pi 3 – purchased by ETSG late 2019
The system runs Raspbian. Install it by downloading noobs onto a FAT32 / MBR formatted SD card.
Additional packages installed are: fswebcam (to check USB camera functionality) and motion (for streaming). Also installed is an editor (emacs) and ipython environment (ipython2).
The motion program has the config file under /etc/motion/motion.conf . To restart it type sudo service motion restart . It’s log is at /var/log/motion/motion.log
2021-4-21: Getting a fixed IP address for the pi.
2020-8-25: Reconnect with new IP address. Set up automatic purging of camera records.
2020-3-25: Set up with USB camera