Final MEHAT of the quarter: Marianne Six-Hohenbalken

The Middle East History and Theory (MEHAT) Workshop is pleased and delighted to announce our final workshop of the quarter:

Narrations of violence:

Tensions between individual and
community accounts of the 1988 Halabja massacre

presented by Maria Six-Hohenbalken

PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna
Researcher at the Social Anthropology Research Unit – Austrian Academy of Sciences

Discussant: Melissa Bilal, PhD Student in the Department of Music

** Monday, 1:30–3:00 pm **
405 Rosenwald Hall
1101 E. 58th Street

(**note the time and location, they are different from our usual schedule, due to it being Thanksgiving week**)

We are thrilled to host Maria Six-Hohenbalken for our final workshop. Dr. Six-Hohenbalken is a visiting scholar from the Austrian Academy of Sciences, where she is a Researcher at the Social Anthropology Research Unit. Before then, she received her doctorate and taught at the University of Vienna, covering such subjects as Anthropology of the Middle East (Kurds, religious “minorities”), Anthropology of Europe (Peripheries, Roma and Sinti in Austria), Border Studies, and Transnational Communities and Diasporas.

Dr. Six-Hohenbalken will be speaking about the 1988 massacre of Halabja, in northern Iraq, and the talk is entitled: “Narrations of violence: Tensions between individual and community accounts.”

The discussant for the workshop will be Melissa Bilal, PhD Candidate in Ethnomusicology, and the talk will be introduced by Metin Yüksel, PhD Candidate in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. In addition, Professor Orit Bashkin will bring her class on Modern Iraqi History to participate in the discussion. This is a very special opportunity for us, and I hope that, despite these busy times, many of you will be able to attend! Persons with a disability who believe they need assistance can reach us at

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