Winter Schedule 2013

– January 11, 4:00 pm, SSRB 224 : Julia Langbein, PhD candidate, Department of History, University of Chicago, “Daumier and Cham: Two Graphic Critics at the Second Empire Salon”

– January 25, 4:00 pm, SSRB 224 : Liam Mannix, PhD candidate, Department of History, University of Chicago, “Profit, Growth, and Investment: Agrarian Capitalism and the Religious Orders in Ancien Régime France”

– February 8, 4:00 pm, SSRB 224 : Eli Thorkelson, PhD candidate, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, “Je n’en peux plus: Everyday life in a post-68 philosophy department in Saint-Denis”

– February 22, 4:00 pm, SSRB 224 : Monica Olaru, PhD candidate, Department of Comparative Literature, University of Chicago, “The Two Destinies of the ‘Promising Young Man’ in Balzac and Dickens”

– March 8, 4:00 pm, SSRB 224 : Eleanor Rivera, PhD candidate, Department of History, University of Chicago,“Bon chrétien et bon français: Catholic Primary Education, 1880-1914”

A wine and cheese reception will follow each discussion. To obtain electronic copies of the papers being discussed, or to get on the Workshop list-serve, please contact Eleanor Rivera or Veerle Dierickx.

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