Wednesday, 29 March, 12:00 PM: Aliénor Cadot, Ph.D. Student in History at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, “Between Colonial Situation and Fascism: Categorization and Migration of Algerian Civilians (1939-1943).” 12:00 PM in the John Hope Franklin Room (SS 224).
Friday, 14 April: Emily Fransee, Ph.D. Student in History, University of Chicago, “From the Black Invasion to The Conquerors of Mars: Speculative Fiction and Empire in Late Nineteenth Century France.” 4:00 PM in the John Hope Franklin Room (SS 224).
Wednesday, 26 April, Special Lunch Session: Carolyn Eichner, Associate Professor of History and Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, “Translating Culture and Time: Legends, Politics, and the French-Kanak Colonial Encounter,” 12:00 PM in the John Hope Franklin Room (SS 224).
Friday, 12 May: Nicholas O’Neill, Ph.D. Student in History, University of Chicago, “The Politics of Taste and Trade: The State and the Porcelain Industry in France, 1720-1830.” 4:00 PM in Harper Memorial 148.
Friday, 26 May: Alison James, Associate Professor of French Literature, University of Chicago, “Paper Witnesses: Documentary Writing and Postwar Memory.” 4:00 PM in the John Hope Franklin Room (SS 224).