October 6
Robin Mitchell, University at Buffalo, Department of History and Africana and American Studies
Suzanne Simon Baptiste Louverture, A Microbiography: The ‘Wife of’ and Other Such Nonsense*
Location: John Hope Franklin Room, SSRB
October 13
Nicholas O’Neill, University of Chicago, Department of History
Scientists, Spies, Artisans, and the State: (Re)Inventing Porcelain in France
Location: Rosenwald 301
November 3
Arthur Clement, University of Chicago, Department of History
Instituting the Sciences of Religion as Reinforcement to the Laïque Social Bond
Location: Rosenwald 301
November 10
Alison James, University of Chicago, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
Biofiction Against History
Location: Rosenwald 015
December 8
Peadar Kavanagh, University of Chicago, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
Relation curieuse de l’Île de Bornéo: Fontenelle’s Curious Response to the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685)
Location: Stuart Hall 20