All events are listed in Central Time. This quarter, they will all be in-person, but you can join us via Zoom as well. Please contact Etienne Grateau ( or Yuting Cai (yutcai@uchicago.
January 17, 12:30pm
Ryan Brown, UChicago RLL, Ph.D. candidate
Title: “Remaking Voltaire: Forged Proofs and Self-Writing in the Commentaire historique”
Location: Wieboldt #207
January 24, 12:45 pm
Nikhita Obeegadoo/ Uchicago RLL, Neubauer Family Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies
Title: “There is nothing for people like us here”:
Global Labor Mobilities and Constructed Identities in Simin Zetwal (2022)
Location: Wieboldt #207
February 7, 12:30pm
Thomas Dodman, Columbia University, Associate Professor of French; Director, History & Literature Program (HiLi)
Title: Les Volontaires: a microhistory and social biography of a family in Lorraine from the French Revolution through the early 19th century (book chapter in progress)
Location: Tea Room, SSRB
February 14, 12:30pm
Etienne Grateau, Uchicago RLL, Ph.D student
Title: “Reframing photography in Ernaux’s A Man’s Place and A Woman”
Location: Wieboldt #207
February 25, 5:00 pm
Special session co-sponsored with the Gender and Sexuality Studies Workshop, the Martin Marty Center for the Advanced Study of Religion and the Department of Anthropology
Camille Robcis, Columbia University, Professor of History and French
Title: “The Beijing Women’s Conference and the United Nations Gender Wars”
Location: Community Room, CSGS, 5733 S. University Ave.
March 7, 12:30 pm
Agneska Bloch, Uchicago Political Science, Ph.D student
Title: “French Amnesia and ‘la Guerre d’Algérie’: Silence, Willful Ignorance, and Denial of Responsibility”
Location: SSRB Tea Room