Dear All,
We are pleased to announce an event we are co-sponsoring with the CEERES, Central Europe Workshop, and the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures:
Joseph Grim Feinberg, “The Windmills of Humanity: Presenting a New Translation of Czech Philosopher Ivan Sviták’s Writings on Politics and Culture”
Wednesday, Feb. 11 at 4.30pm in Foster 103from the flyer:
“Philosopher and critic Ivan Sviták was among the leading Czech intellectuals during the lead-up to the “Prague Spring” of 1968, when tentative reforms by Communist Party leaders in Czechoslovakia sparked a mass movement for democratic socialism.Joseph Grim Feinberg (Philosophy Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences) is the editor of Ivan Sviták, The Windmills of Humanity: On Culture and Surrealism in the Manipulated World. He received his Ph.D. in Anthropology at the University of Chicago.”
Selections from the new translation, to be read before the meeting, are available here; please contact ampri [at] uchicago [dot] edu for the password.