Tuesday, Feb23: Paul-Brian McInerney at Money, Markets, and Governance: Of One Night Stands, Serial Hook-Ups, and Monogamy: The Dynamics of Collaboration among Craft Brewers

We welcome you to join us for the next meeting of the Money, Markets, and Governance Workshop, on Tuesday, Feb. 23rd, 4:30PM – 6PM, at the Social Science Research Building room 401.

Paul-Brian McInerney
Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Sociology

Will present the working paper:

Paul-Brian McInerney and Tünde Cserpes

Of One Night Stands, Serial Hook-Ups, and Monogamy:
The Dynamics of Collaboration among Craft Brewers

Discussant: Tal Yifat
PhD Candidate, The University of Chicago, The Department of Sociology

Abstract: Collaboration is an important way for organizations to gain access to knowledge and markets while mitigating the risks involved in such activities. This paper seeks to understand the dynamics of collaboration by creating a unique dataset of collaborations within a single industry in which collaborations are both frequent and short-lived: craft brewing. We find three different collaborative strategies in our sample, which we label monogamy, serial hook-ups, and one-night stands. Our analyses of collaboration networks show that brewers pursue collaborative strategies based on the collaborative strategies of others. These strategies have consequences for the valuation of their efforts. The products of craft brewers who collaborate with those outside of their core networks consistently receive higher consumer ratings than other forms of collaboration. We suspect that certain collaborative arrangements facilitate authenticity in the marketplace, which consumers reward with higher ratings. This research has implications for markets in which authenticity matters, artisanal markets in particular.


Questions about the workshop or accessibility concerns can be addressed to yanivr at uchicago dot edu

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