Tuesday, May 3, Shipeng Yan presents: Defying Milton Friedman’s Doctrines at a Friedman City? A Case Study of a Socially Responsible Investment fund in Hong Kong

We welcome you to join us for the next meeting of the Money, Markets, and Governance workshop on Tuesday, May 3, 4:30PM – 6PM, at Social Science Research Building classroom 401.

Shipeng Yan
PhD Candidate, Organization Theory and Strategic Management, IESE Business School; Visiting Doctoral Student, Booth School of Business; Incoming Assistant Professor in Organization Studies, Tilburg University

Defying Milton Friedman’s Doctrines at a Friedman City? A Case Study of a Socially Responsible Investment fund in Hong Kong

Discussant: Yuhao Zhuang 

PhD Student, Sociology, University of Chicago


Abstract: Despite the maturity of neo-institutional theory, few studies have explored how institutionally deviant options become suppressed. Utilizing the incumbent and challenger framework from a theory of fields, this study addresses this gap by probing the perspective of the institutional deviants as institutional challengers. Through qualitative data from a Hong Kong-based socially responsible investment (SRI) fund venture initiated between 2010 and 2014, this study explores why actors steeped in the incumbent group become institutional challengers, how they react to the prevailing order, and whether their effort is sustainable. In particular, this study builds a process theory of how challengers’ intended deviance lead to the de facto conformity with the prevailing order, contributing to institutional theory, theory of fields, and corporate social responsibility.


*** For a fruitful discussion, participants are requested to engage with the paper in advance. For a copy of the paper, contact the coordinators***

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