May 1, 4:30 pm, the Money, Markets and Governance Workshop presents: A Special Panel – Is Marx Still Relevant to the Social Sciences in 2018?

Please join us for our next meeting of the Money, Markets and Governance workshop, on coming Tuesday, May 1st, at 4:30 – 6 PM (note the change from regular starting time), in classroom 401 in the Social Science Research Building.

Is Marx Still Relevant to Social Sciences in Contemporary Academia? A Panel Discussion



John Clegg, PhD Candidate, Sociology, NYU

Nate Ela, PhD Candidate, Sociology, UW-Madison

Stacie Kent, Collegiate Assistant Professor, Social Sciences, University of Chicago

Michael McCarthy, Assistant Professor, Sociology, Marquette University

Irene Pang, Postdoctoral Fellow, Sociology, Northwestern University

With Comments by:

Prof. William H. Sewell Jr.,

Frank P. Hixon Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus,
Political Science and History, University of Chicago


While Karl Marx is considered part of the canon of several disciplines that read him in their undergraduate and graduate classes, and even though Class is a widespread category in social sciences today, there is a real question regarding the place of Marx’s concepts and form of critique in contemporary mainstream sociology and the other empirical social sciences. The few “islands” in which Marxist theory is still alive and applied, like the Marxist Sociology section of the ASA, are small and, indeed, seem insular. And it is telling that the arguably most influential book in recent years that took on critique of capitalism, was written not by a sociologist, political scientist or even a historian, but rather by an economist (Piketty, Capital in the 21st Century). To mark Marx’s bicentenary (on May 5th), the Money, Markets and Governance Workshop will bring together a panel of young and accomplished scholars, who will reflect on the question of Marx’s contemporary relevance in their academic fields and in their own work. Prof. Sewell will provide comments to the discussion.

For accessibility concerns or other issues please contact the workshop coordinator at yanivr {at} uchicago {dot} edu


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