
The Money, Markets, and Governance (MMG) workshop provides an interdisciplinary forum with focus on economic sociology and political economy, for scholars whose work engages social issues involving money and similar methods of exchange, markets, law, policy, regulation and governance, and their functioning within the global economy. By and large, the workshop aims to complement the modest amount of spaces available to discuss heterodox approaches to economy and governance within established disciplinary communities on campus. Formerly active under the name Money, Markets, and Consumption, and in its renewed form, the workshop aims for involvement of students from various disciplines, mainly from the social sciences, including sociology and political science, as well as history and anthropology. In addition, we are open to contributions from and welcome the participation of scholars from other areas, such as the the humanities, marketing and business management, public policy, and law.
Faculty Sponsors (2019-20):
 Student coordinator (2019-20): Andrew Swift