Category Archives: guest presenters
Tuesday, January 9, at 4:30pm: Lauren Rivera, Paul-Brian McInerney and Patrick Bergemann at a Professionalization Panel: Business Schools vs. Sociology Departments
Please join us for the first meeting of the Winter Quarter of the Money, Markets and Governance Workshop, on Tuesday, January 9th, at 4:30 – 6 PM in the Social Science Research Building, room 305 (note the change in time … Continue reading
Tuesday, November 28, Robert Meister presents: Justice AS an Option
Please join us for our last meeting of the Money, Markets, and Governance Workshop on Tuesday, November 28, at 5 – 6:30 PM, in the Social Science Research Building, room 401. This meeting will be held as a joint session … Continue reading
Tuesday, Oct. 31, 5PM, Prof. Kristin Surak at Money, Markets and Governance Workshop: Jus Pecuniae and the Crystallization of Citizenship by Investment
Please join us for our next meeting on the Money, Markets, and Governance Workshop on Tuesday, October 31, at 5 – 6:30 PM, in the Social Science Research Building, room 401. Kristin Surak Associate Professor, SOAS, University of London Jus … Continue reading
Tuesday, Oct. 10, Le Lin at Money, Markets and Governance: Are Ambiguities Assets? State, Innovation and Privatization in China
You are join us on Tuesday, October 10, at 5 – 6:30 PM, for a joint session with the Power, History and Society workshop to discuss Le Lin’s paper. The workshop will take place in the Social Science Research Building, … Continue reading
April 18, 5 – 6:30 pm: Alex Preda, What is Competition?
Please join us for our next meeting of the Money, Markets and Governance workshop on Tuesday, April 18, 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. in Social Science Research classroom 404. Alex Preda King’s College London What is Competition? Discussant: Rishi Arora, Sociology, … Continue reading
January 10, Prof. Elizabeth Popp Berman (SUNY Albany) at MMG: Politics By Other Means: How Experts Channeled Interests in U.S. Antitrust Policy
Please join us for our first meeting this quarter, which we are pleased to hold in collaboration with the Politics, History, and Society Workshop, on coming Tuesday, 10/4, in Social Science Research Building classroom 401, at 5pm – 6:30pm. We … Continue reading
Nov. 8, 4:30PM, Youn Ki at Money, Markets, and Governance: Sectoral Goals, Shared Means: The Origins of the Rise of Finance in the United States
Please join us for our next meeting of the Money, Markets, and Governance Workshop on next Tuesday, 11/8, 4:30-6PM, in Social Science Research Building classroom 401. Youn Ki Assistant Professor, Political Science, Miami University Sectoral Goals, Shared Means: The Origins … Continue reading
Tuesday, Apr. 5, Aaron Pitluck presents: Can We Tether Finance to the Productive Economy? Experimental Monetary Practices in Islamic Finance
Please join us for the first Spring Quarter meeting of the Money, Markets, and Governance workshop, on Tuesday, Apr. 5th, 4:30PM – 6PM. Unless otherwise announced, the meeting will be held at the Social Science Research Building room 404. … Continue reading