New Faculty 2020


Headshot of Alisa Knizel

Alisa Knizel

Assistant Professor
Department of Statistics and the College

Alisa Knizel’s research focuses on the interplay between probabilistic and algebraic properties of lattice models in statistical mechanics. Her interests include probability, mathematical physics, and exactly solvable systems. Her most recent work is related to random matrix theory and interacting particle systems, with applications to random growth models, traffic models, and combinatorics.

Her research has been published in scientific journals that include Communications in Mathematical Physics, Journal of Functional Analysis, and International Mathematics Research Notices.

Knizel completed her undergraduate work in pure mathematics at Saint Petersburg State University in Russia and received her PhD in mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Most recently, she was a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Mathematics at Columbia University.

Read more about Alisa Knizel