New Faculty 2020


Headshot of Jacob Walker

Jacob Walker

Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine

Jacob Walker is a geriatrician and HIV specialist whose academic interests center around the complex care needs of older adults with HIV, including issues related to early multimorbidity, polypharmacy, and transitions of care. His educational activities are focused on preparing clinicians and allied health professionals to meet the needs of older adults with HIV/AIDS. He is also interested in transgender health care in older adults, as well as quality improvement initiatives.

His research has been published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society and Endocrine Practice. He is a contributor to the “COVID-19 Result Notification Toolkit for Long-term Care Facilities,” which is included in the American Geriatrics Society/Association of Directors of Geriatrics Academic Programs COVID-19 Educational Toolkit.

Walker holds a BS in microbiology from Indiana University and an MD from Boston University School of Medicine. He completed his residency in primary care internal medicine at the University of Colorado Denver, as well as a fellowship in geriatric medicine at the University of Chicago.

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