What does it mean to be a kid?

Abe, Macabee, and Izzy (University of Chicago Laboratory School Students)

In Conversation with Their Mother Agnes Callard (Philosophy, UChicago)

Thursday, May 21, 5:00-8:00 p.m. Central Time

Livestream on Crowdcast: click here to register for the conversation


At this event, we will discuss the following questions (and more):

  • Are there things kids understand better than adults?
  • How do kids imagine the future?
  • Do kids feel free?
  • Could someone have a good life if they stayed a child for all of it?
  • Which philosophical questions interest kids?
  • Is the child the father of the man?

Links for signing up for the rest of our spring Night Owls events on Crowdcast are live on this page! There have been more than 2,000 viewings of online Night Owls events so far this spring: come join the conversation!

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