Summer Institute in Advanced Research Methods for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Research

SIARM I – Publications and Papers

Elizabeth Adams

This mixed methods study describes teachers’ experiences implementing STEM instruction in the context of the STEM Academy for Science Teachers and Leaders. Using a latent profile analysis, we grouped teachers based on implementation as measured by monthly classroom observations during the school year. We analyzed interviews with teachers to identify themes within each group of teachers. We found that teachers with higher implementation consistently encouraged students’ conceptual thinking or productive struggle related to the content. Teachers with higher implementation also reported more support from school leadership.

Papers under review:

Adams, E. L., Wilhelm, A. G., Wilson, J., & Walkowiak, T. A. (under review). Investigating the complexities of rater training: An example using an equity-focused mathematics classroom observation tool.

Published papers:

Pan, Y., Adams, E. L., Ketterlin-Geller, L. R., Larsen, E., & Clark, C. (2024). Enhancing middle school students’ computational thinking competency through curriculum-oriented game-based learning. Educational Technology Research and Development.

Adams, E. L., Ketterlin-Geller, L. R., Cox, T. C., & Pierce, K. (2024). Teacher outcomes of an intensive STEM-focused professional learning initiative: An examination of their beliefs, practices, and perceptions. Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 14(1), 245–262.

Adams, E. L., Ketterlin-Geller, L. R., Pierce, K., & Knox T. (2022). Teachers’ implementation of STEM instructional practices in the context of the STEM Academy: A mixed methods study. In P. Jenlink (Ed.), STEM Teacher Preparation and Practice for the 21st Century: Research-Based Insights (pp. 29-49). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing

Adams, E. L., Trojanowski, A., Davis, J., Agramonte, F., Krumm, A., Bussey, L. H., Giarrizzo, A. (2021). Collaborative data visualization: A process for improving data use in schools. In A. J. Bowers (Ed.), Data Visualization, Dashboards, and Evidence Use in Schools: Data Collaborative Workshop Perspectives of Educators, Researchers, and Data Scientists. New York, NY: Academic Commons


Received an AISL NSF grant titled Using Positive Youth Development Principles and Sports to Enhance STEM Knowledge, Practices, and Identity Among Historically Underserved Youth Aged 8–11 (Award ID 2415824), in collaboration with Tiffini Pruitt-Britton (AIR), Jeanna Wieselmann (SMU), and Sarah Brown (SMU).



Zenaida Aguirre-Munoz


Received a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation grant to study disparities in college readiness in the Central Valley of California. Vandeen Campbell is helping me with this, and Ben Van Dusen is consulting on it. The title of the grant is “Advancing Educational Opportunity in California.” We are conducting HLM, MAIHDA, and causal decomposition analysis.


Aguirre-Muñoz, Z., Pando, M., & Liu, C. (2024). Enhancing Bilingual/ESL Teachers’ STEM Instruction with Targeted Content and Disciplinary Literacy Professional Development: A Study on Knowledge and Practice Outcomes. Education Sciences. 14, 745.

Aguirre-Muñoz, Z., Almeida, M., Souza, C., Thompson, K. C., Tran, K., Lei, Y., Rutter, E. M., Tokman, M., Oka, L. G., *Viveros, M., *Salazar, B., Kim, C. & Menon, R. (2024) Unlocking Success in Calculus for Engineering Majors: Impact of Engagement Tactics for Underrepresented Undergraduate Engineering Students. Proceedings of the 2024 annual meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). Portland, OR. *this publication was a finalist for the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Best Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Paper Award Nomination from the Mathematics Division, Commission on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, ASEE*



Phillip Boda


2023 – 2024 PI: Phillip A. Boda, $20k (no indirect). Engaging SW Chicago Communities Toward Environmentally-Just Policy Futures. Institute for Policy
and Civic Engagement, UIC: Illinois.

2023 – 2024 PI: Phillip A. Boda, $10k. Post-College Career Readiness across Physically Disabled Adults in the Midwest: Exploring the Impact of the Gregory S. Fehribach Center’s Internships. GSF Center: Indiana.

(Pending) PI: Phillip A. Boda, $74,951. Prioritizing Cumulative Environmental Burdens in Environmental Justice Categorizations. NSF.

(Pending) PI: Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition (Co-PI: P. A. Boda), $246,388. Building a Community-Led Air Quality Network in Chicago’s Overburdened Areas. US EPA.

(Pending) PI: Fabio Miranda (Co-PI: P. A. Boda), $249,102. Leveraging Community Participation to Co-Design Multi-Dimensional Visualizations Identifying Place-based Racio-Environmental Injustice. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

(Pending) PI: Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition (Co-PI: P. A. Boda), $147,715. Frontline Justice Community-Port Collaboration. TIDES.


  1. Becerra, M., Liang, J., Siciliano, M., Fusi, F., Miranda, F., Sambanis, A., Boda, P.A., Derrible, S., & Cailas, M. (2024). Putting the Environment Back in “Environmental Justice”: A Dual Approach for Area Identification. Environmental Justice.
  2. Boda, P. A., Bathia, S., Gerard, L., & Linn, M. C. (2024). Designing for learning across disciplines: leveraging graphs to improve knowledge integration in science. Instructional Science, 1-35.
  3. Boda, P. A. (2024). Dreaming of disability‐as‐possibility as a humanistic STEM education futurity. Science Education.
  4. Boda, P. A. (In Press). Disabled by design: Dreaming the future of DBER through intersectional disobedience. In Handbook of Equity-Orient Discipline-based STEM Education Research. Springer Nature.
  5. Summers, L. & Boda, P. A. (In Press). Post-secondary STEMM beyond ‘What is’: Engaging the possibility of disability. Journal of Postsecondary Education & Disability.
  6. Boda, P. A., Fusi, F., Miranda, F., Palmer, G. J., Flax-Hatch, J., Siciliano, M., … & Cailas, M. (2023) Environmental justice through community-policy participatory partnerships. Journal of Environmental Protection. 14(8), 616-636.
  7. Boda, P. A. (Ed.). (In press). Educational injustice among margins and centers: Theorizing critical futures. New York, NY: Peter Lang.
  8. Boda, P. A. (2023). Disability-as-possibility: Leveraging technology for Design-based Inclusive Science (DISc). In Theoretical and Practical Teaching Strategies for K-12 Science Education in the Digital Age. IGI Global.
  9. Boda, P. A. (2022). On the methodological and epistemological power of epistemic (de)centering as a reflexive praxis of resistance toward Disability Justice. Qualitative Research Journal. Online first.
  10. Boda, P. A. (2022). Identity making as a colonization process, and the power of Disability Justice to cultivate intersectional disobedience. Education Sciences, 12(7), 1-15. Doi: 10.3390/educsci12070462
  11. Boda, P. A. Nusbaum, E., & Kulkarni, S. (2022). From ‘what is’ toward ‘what if’ through intersectionality: Problematizing ableist erasures and coloniality in racially-just research. International Journal of Research and Method in Education.

Damon Siloes:

SIMS Fire:



Vandeen Campbell


Campbell, V. A & Kim, E. (2024). Disparities in high-leverage mathematics course-taking in New Jersey, 2016-2020. Journal of Policy Studies. (Accepted)

Campbell, V.A.; Antony, M.; Zulawski, J.; Foley, K. (2024). The Effects of Attending High Individual and       Collective Teacher Efficacy Schools on Ninth Grade On-Track. Educ. Sci., 14, 546.  

New report & media coverage:

Campbell, V. A., Dontamsetti, S., Foley, K., Castillo-Lavergne, C. M., Payne, C. M., & Brunskill, L. (2024). The Latinx Experience in NJ Schools: A Preliminary Overview. Newark, NJ: The Joseph C. Cornwall Center for Metropolitan Studies.


Chalkbeat Newark:

Report Release:



Yasemin Copur-Gencturk


  1. A microgenetic analysis of teachers’ learning through teaching
  2. The impact of an interactive, personalized computer-based teacher professional development program on student performance: A randomized controlled trial
  3. Learning through teaching: the development of pedagogical content knowledge among novice mathematics teachers
  4. Examining the role of student-centered versus teacher-centered pedagogical approaches to self-directed learning through teaching
  5. Perceptions versus performance: Assessing teacher learning in asynchronous online professional development
  6. Teachers’ Knowledge of Fractions, Ratios, and Proportional Relationships: the Relationship Between Two Theoretically Connected Content Areas
  7. Adami, P., Singh R., Rodrigues P.B., Becerik-Gerber, B., Soibelman, L., Copur-Gencturk, Y., & Lucas, G. (2022). Participants Matter: Effectiveness of VR-based Training on the Knowledge, Trust in the Robot, and Self-Efficacy of Construction Workers and University Students. Advanced Engineering Informatics.
  8. Copur-Gencturk, Y. & Li, J*. (2022). A Longitudinal Study of Mathematics Teachers’ Knowledge Growth.  Teaching and Teacher Education.
  9. Copur-Gencturk, Y., Thacker, I*., & Cimpian, J.P. (2022). Teacher Bias in the Virtual Classroom. Computers & Education.
  10. Copur-Gencturk, Y. & Tolar T. (2022). Mathematics teaching expertise: A study of the dimensionality of content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and content-specific noticing skills. Teaching and Teacher Education.
  11. Copur-Gencturk Y. & Choi. H & Cohen A. (2022). Investigating Teachers’ Understanding Through Statistical Topic Modeling: A New Approach to Studying Teachers’ Content Knowledge. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.
  12. Copur-Gencturk Y., Baek C*. & Doleck. T*. (2022). A Closer Look at Teacher’s Proportional Reasoning. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.
  13. Adami, P., Rodrigues, P., Wood. P. J., Becerik-Gerber, B., Soibelman, L., Copur-Gencturk, Y., & Lucas, G. (2022). Impact of VR-based Training on Human-Robot Interaction for Remote Operating Construction Robots. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 36(3), 04022006.


Appointed as Katzman/Ernst Chair in Educational Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Innovation.


Received a $2 million-grant from IES (PI)
Received a $4.6 $2 million-grant from NSF (PI: Yasemin Copur-Gencturk ; Ken Frank and Jiliang Tang are Co-PIs).
Interactive, Individualized Professional Learning for Elementary School Teachers: Enhancing Content and Pedagogical Content Knowledge as a Basis for Improving Practice
Diagnostic Instrument for Teachers’ Content and Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Numbers and Operations



Sapna Cheryan

Sapna Cheryan published an o-ed in Scientific American entitled There are too few women in computer science and engineering in July 2022. She also received the 2022 Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP) Diversity Science Award that recognizes early to mid-career individuals who have made substantial, innovative, and sustained contributions to advancing the social psychology of diversity. She also received two REU Supplements in 2022 to her NSF grants to fund a cohort of community college students to work on research in her lab.

Received an NSF Grant
Published an article in Scientific American: There are too few women in computer science and engineering, Scientific American, July 2022
Received the Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP) Diversity Science Award, 2022
Received two REUs
National Science Foundation Human Resources Development, REU Supplement ($20,898), PI, 2022-2023
National Science Foundation Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences REU Supplement ($8,000), PI, 2022-2023
Counteracting stereotypes to boost girls’ interest and participation in computer science ($499,937), coPI, National Science Foundation, 2021-2024
Boys have it; girls have to work for it: The development and consequences of gender stereotypes about natural talent vs. effort in mathematics ($1,399,995), co-PI, Institute of Education Sciences, 2020-2022
Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP) Diversity Science Award, 2022
Washington State Academy of Sciences, 2021
Wegner Theoretical Innovation Prize, 2021

Books or peer-reviewed journal publications:

  • Lombard, E.J., Weltzien, K., Pham, L., & Cheryan, S. (in press). Feedback receptivity from those in power reduces bias concerns about gender, sexuality, and disability bias. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology.
  • Tang, D., Meltzoff, A. N., Cheryan, S., Fan, W., & Master, A. (2024). Longitudinal stability and change across a year in children’s gender stereotypes about four different STEM fields. Developmental Psychology. Advance online publication.
  • Saxler, F. M., Dorrough, A. R., Froehlich, L., Block, K., Croft, A., Meeussen, L., … Cheryan, S., … Germano, A. L., …, & Martiny, S. E. (2024). Did descriptive and prescriptive norms about gender equality at home change during the COVID-19 pandemic? A cross-national investigation. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 1461672231219719. Advance online publication. [pdf]
  • Bodenhausen, G. V. & Cheryan, S. (forthcoming). Stereotypes and prejudice. Handbook of Social Psychology.
  • Garr-Schultz, A., Muragishi, G., Mortejo, T. A. & Cheryan, S. (in press). Masculine defaults in academic STEM. Psychological Science in the Public Interest.
  • olsson, m. I. T., Van Grootel, S., Block, K., Schuster, C., Meeussen, L., van Laar, C., … Cheryan, S., … Germano, A. L.… Martiny, S. E. (in press). Gender gap in parental leave intentions: Evidence from 37 countries. Political Psychology.
  • Siy, J. O., Germano, A. L.,  Vianna, L., Azpeitia, J., Yan, S., Montoya, A. K., & Cheryan, S. (2023). Does the follow-your-passions ideology cause greater academic and occupational gender disparities than other cultural ideologies? Journal of Personality & Social Psychology.
  • Master, A., Tang, D., Forsythe, D., Alexander, T. M., Cheryan, S., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2023). Gender equity and motivational readiness for computational thinking in early childhood. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 64, 242-254.
  • Master, A., Tang, D., Forsyth, D., Alexander, T.M., Cheryan, S., & Meltzoff, A. N. (in press).  Gender equity and motivational readiness for computational thinking in early childhood. Early Childhood Research Quality.
  • Zou, L. X., & Cheryan, S. (2022). Diversifying neighborhoods and schools engender perceptions of foreign cultural threat among White Americans. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151, 1115-1131.
  • Ledgerwood, A., Hudson, S. T. J., Lewis, N. A., Jr., Maddox, K. B., Pickett, C. L., Remedios, J. D., Cheryan, S., Diekman, A. B., Dutra, N. B., Goh, J. X., Goodwin, S. A., Munakata, Y., Navarro, D. J., Onyeador, I. N., Srivastava, S., & Wilkins, C. L. (2022). The pandemic as a portal: Reimagining psychological science as truly open and inclusive. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 7, 937-959.
  • Lombard, E., Azpeitia, J., & Cheryan, S. (2021). Built on uneven ground: How masculine defaults disadvantage women in political leadership. Psychological Inquiry, 32, 107-116.
  • El-Hout, M., Garr-Schultz, A., & Cheryan, S. (2021). Beyond biology: The importance of social factors in explaining gender disparities in STEM preferences. European Journal of Personality, 35, 45-50.
  • Master, A., Meltzoff, A. N., & Cheryan, S. (2021). Gender stereotypes about interests start early and cause gender disparities in computer science and engineering. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118: e2100030118.
  • Germano, A. L., Ziegler, S. A., Banham, L., & Cheryan, S. (2021). Do diversity awards discourage marginalized groups from more lucrative opportunities? Psychological Science, 32, 1346-1361.
  • Cheryan, S., & Markus, H. M. (2020). Masculine defaults: Identifying and mitigating hidden cultural biases. Psychological Review, 127, 1022-1052.
  • Murphy, M. C., Meijia, A., Mejia, J., Yan, X., Cheryan, S., Dasgupta, N., Destin, M., Fryberg, S. A., Garcia, J. A., Haines, E.L., Harackiewica, J. M., Ledgerwood, A., Moss-Racusin, C. A., Park, L. E., Perry, S. P., Ratliff, K. A., Rattan, A., Sanchez, D. T., Savani, K., Sekaquaptewa, D., Smith, J. L., Taylor, V. J., Thoman, D. B., Wout, D. A., Mabry, P. L., Ressl, S., Diekman, A. ^^, Pestilli, F. (2020). Open science, communal culture, and women’s participation in the movement to improve science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117, 24154-24164.
  • Kirby, T., Tabak, J.A., Ilac, M., & Cheryan, S. (2020). The symbolic value of ethnic spaces. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11, 867-878.
  • Murphy, M.C., Carter, E.R., Emerson, K.T.U., & Cheryan, S. (2020). The long reach of prejudiced places? Stereotype expectations and motivation to pursue education among previously- and never-incarcerated Black men. Self & Identity, 19, 456-472.
  • Cheryan, S., Lombard, E., Hudson, L., Louis, K., Plaut, V.C., & Murphy, M. C. (2020). Double isolation: Identity expression threat predicts greater gender disparities in male-dominated STEM fields. Self & Identity, 19, 412-434.
  • Semrow, M., Zou, L.X., Yang, S., & Cheryan, S. (2020). Gay Asian Americans are seen as more American than Asian Americans who are presumed straight. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11, 336-344.

Other awards and accomplishments:

  • New York Times op-ed
  • New York Times op-ed backstory to the research
  • Received press in BBC, MSNBC, Morning Joe, KUOW, USA Today, Forbes, Good Morning America, Washington Post
  • Wrote pieces for the Harvard Business Review, Scientific American



Heidi Cian

Journal and book publications since July 2020:

  • Cian, H. & Brasili, A. (2024). Rural elementary teachers’ computational thinking self-efficacy through community citizen science. Journal of Science Teacher Education.
  • van Dusen, B., Cian, H., Nissen, J., Arrellano, L., & Woods, A. (2024). Comparing the efficacy of fixed effect and MAIHDA models in predicting outcomes for intersectional social identity groups. Sociology of Education.
  • Cian, H. & Dou, R. (2024). Masculinized discourses of STEM interest, performance, and competence that shape university STEM students’ recognition of a “STEM person”.  Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 61(1), 1062-1092. doi: 10.1002/tea.21937
  • Dou, R., Cian, H., Hazari, Z., Sonnert, G.., & Sadler, P. M. (2023). Childhood experiences and undergraduate student interest in STEM disciplines: Attending to setting and activity type. Special issue of STEMM interests in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1526, 138-147. doi: 10.1111/nyas.15013
  • Ennes, M. E., Jones, M. G., Cian, H., Dou, R., Abramowitz, B., Bordewieck, K. E., & Ideus, K. L. (2023). Family influence and STEM career aspirations. In R. Tierney, F. Rizvi, K. Erickan, and G. Smith International Encyclopedia of Education (4th), pp. 370-381. Elsevier.
  • Dou, R., Cian, H., Hazari, Z., Sonnert, G.., & Sadler, P. M. (2023). Childhood experiences and undergraduate student interest in STEM disciplines: Attending to setting and activity type. Special issue of STEMM interests in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
  • Dou, R. & Cian, H. (2022).Constructing “STEM identity”: Test of an expanded identity model. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 59(3), 458-490. doi: 10.1002/tea.21734
  • Cian, H., Dou, R., Castro, S., Palma-D’souza, E., & Martinez, A. (2022). Facilitating marginalized youths’ identification with STEM through everyday science talk: The critical role of parental caregivers. Science Education106(1), 57-87doi: 10.1002/sce.21688
  • Dou, R., Cian, H.,& Espinosa, V. (2021). Undergraduate STEM majors on and off Pre-Med/Health tracks: A STEM identity perspective. CBE Life Sciences, 20(2), 1-12. doi: 10.1187/cbe.20-12-0281
  • Dou, R. & Cian, H. (2021). The relevance of informal childhood talk as a proxy for college-students’ STEM identity at a Hispanic Serving Institution. Research in Science Education, 51(4), 1093-1105. doi: 10.1007/s11165-020-09928-8
  • Cian, H. (2021). Sashaying across party lines: Evidence of and arguments for the use of validity evidence in qualitative education research. Review of Research in Education, 45, 253-290. doi: 10.3102/0091732X20985079

Awarded grants since July 2020:

  • High School Rural Energy Futures, State of Maine – Governor’s Energy Office ($495,368), PI; awarded start date 8/1/2024
  • Developing & Testing Innovations (DTI): Rural Energy Futures: Facilitating community understanding of energy transition opportunities through middle-school math skills development, National Science Foundation ITEST ($1,299,377), PI; awarded start date 7/1/2024
  • 2023 – Expanding capacity to scale up a national professional development program for afterschool educators, STEM Next ($349,950), co-PI
  • 2023 – Teacher-Researcher partnership in curricular review of Unit P.6: A Funds of Knowledge perspective along the rural-urban spectrum, SEEDS/OpenSciEd ($14,995), co-PI

Journal and book publications:

  • Ennes, M. E., Jones, M. G., Cian, H., Dou, R., Abramowitz, B., Bordewieck, K. E., & Ideus, K. L. (2023). Family influence and STEM career aspirations. In R. Tierney, F. Rizvi, K. Erickan, and G. Smith International Encyclopedia of Education (4th ed.), pp. 370-381. Elsevier.
  • Dou, R., Cian, H., Hazari, Z., Sonnert, G.., & Sadler, P. M. (2023). Childhood experiences and undergraduate student interest in STEM disciplines: Attending to setting and activity type. Special issue of STEMM interests in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
  • Dou, R. & Cian, H. (2022). Constructing “STEM identity”: Test of an expanded identity model. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 59(3), 458-490. doi: 10.1002/tea.21734
  • Cian, H., Dou, R., Castro, S., Palma-D’souza, E., & Martinez, A. (2022). Facilitating marginalized youths’ identification with STEM through everyday science talk: The critical role of parental caregivers. Science Education, 106(1), 57-87. doi: 10.1002/sce.21688
  • Dou, R., Cian, H., & Espinosa, V. (2021). Undergraduate STEM majors on and off Pre-Med/Health tracks: A STEM identity perspective. CBE Life Sciences, 20(2), 1-12. doi: 10.1187/cbe.20-12-0281
  • Dou, R. & Cian, H. (2021). The relevance of informal childhood talk as a proxy for college-students’ STEM identity at a Hispanic Serving Institution. Research in Science Education, 51(4), 1093-1105. doi: 10.1007/s11165-020-09928-8
  • Cian, H. (2021). Sashaying across party lines: Evidence of and arguments for the use of validity evidence in qualitative education research. Review of Research in Education, 45, 253-290. doi: 10.3102/0091732X20985079



Carrie Diaz Eaton

Latest News:

Had a research group approved for Brown’s math institute upcoming in December to continue #DisruptJMM research.

As a SIARM scholar, Dr. Diaz Eaton is studying the transformation of STEM education towards equity, with a focus on networks and language.

  1. Diaz Eaton C, Zhao Y, and Taylor R. (2023) Centering connections and collaborations in the evaluation of STEM education transformation. Research on Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME) XXV Conference Proceedings. preprint
  2. Diaz Eaton C, Bork Rodriguez WM, H Piper, Gómez-Gonzáles C. 2022. #DisruptJMM. Focus Magazine, Mathematical Association of America, February/March, pg 18-21.



Jessica Gottlieb

Jessica and colleague Jacob Kirksey and were awarded a two-year $189k award from the Overdeck Family Foundation to study chronic absenteeism. They will be working with two districts in West Texas to identify promising practices teachers are using to address chronic absenteeism in their region.


Gottlieb, J. J., Wiseman, A. W., & Hite, R. (2024). The cloak of equality in STEM education: institutionalised masking of gender differences in STEM expectations, task values, and participation. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 1-18.

Hite, R. L., Johnson, L., Gottlieb, J., McNaughtan, J., & Velasco, R. C. L. (2024, April). Examining the Situative Progression of Teachers’ Novice-To-Expert Development in Education Policy. In The Educational Forum (Vol. 88, No. 2, pp. 151-169). Routledge.

She’s also had some of my research with Jacob Kirksey covered in EdWeek and testified before the State Board for Educator Certification last September.



Darnell Leatherwood

Promotions: President’s Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan Marsal Family School of Education (First in the Marsal School)

  • Professor of Research (Part-Time), Louisiana State University College of Human Sciences and Education
  • Senior Researcher Affiliate (Part-Time), Johns Hopkins University NSF Institute in Critical Quantitative, Computational, & Mixed Methodologies
  • Program Chair, American Education Research Association Critical Quantitative Methodologies SIG #186
  • Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • Named Co-Program Chair (2024/2025) for the AERA SIG Critical Quantitative Methodologies
  • NSF MSRI Incubator Grant (w/Ben Van Dusen and Odis Johnson; Other NSF People; Great Social Capital)
  • 2024 MLK Champions Award (UIUC office of Civic Life)
  • Voted to build/finance the construction of a “commercial kitchen” that now feeds thousands of students fresh food everyday (School Board Work)

Major Awards:

  • MLK Champions Award, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Office of Civic Life (Inaugural)
  • Grant Awarded: Student Experience Research Network
  • Grant Pending: National Science Foundation (Mid-scale Research Infrastructure)
  • Research Award: National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Research Development Award

Other Awards:



Prashant Loyalka

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

[*student co-authors]

Bettinger, E., Fairlie, R., Kapuza, A., Kardanova, E., Loyalka, P., Zakharov, A. “Diminishing Marginal Returns to Computer-Assisted Learning.” (2022). Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (alphabetical). 2021 Journal Impact Factor (JIF): 3.917

Moon K., Bergemann, P., Brown, D., Chen, A., Chu, J., Eisen, E., Fischer, G., Loyalka, P., Rho, S., Cohen, J. (2022). “Manufacturing Productivity with Worker Turnover.” Management Science.

Loyalka, P., et al. (2022) “The Effect of Faculty Research on Student Learning in College.” Educational Researcher.

Moon K., Loyalka, P., Bergemann, P., Cohen, J. (2022) “The Hidden Cost of Worker Turnover: Attributing Product Reliability to the Turnover of Factory Workers.” Management Science.

Ma, Y., Fairlie, R., Loyalka, P. Rozelle, S., Bai, Y. (2022). “Identifying the “Tech” in EdTech: Experimental Evidence on Computer Assisted Learning in China” Economic Development and Cultural Change. JIF: 1.507

Li, G.R., *Xin, D.L., *Zhang, X.W., *Wu, D., Lee, *O., Rilling, C., *Xue, H., Ma, Y., Abbott, C., Fairlie, R., Loyalka, R., Rozelle, S. (2022). “Education and EdTech during COVID-19: Evidence from a Large-Scale Survey during School Closures in China.” Comparative Education Review. JIF: 2.037

Chang, F., *Qin, F., Shi, Y.J., *Hu, H.M., *Kotb, S., Loyalka, P., Rozelle, S. (2022). “Stuck in the Middle School Rut: Can Anything Improve Academic Achievement in Rural Chinese Middle Schools?” Journal of Development Effectiveness. JIF: 1.067

Loyalka, P. et al. (2021). “Skill Levels and Gains in University STEM Education in China, India, Russia, and the United States.” Nature Human Behavior. JIF: 24.252 **Mistree D., **Loyalka, P., Fairlie, R., *Bhuradia, A., Angrish, M., *Lin, J., *Karoshi, A., *Yen, S., *Mistri, J., Bayat, V. (2021). “Instructional Interventions for Improving COVID-19 Knowledge, Attitudes, Behaviors: Evidence from a Large-Scale RCT in India.” Social Science and Medicine. JIF: 5.379 [**equal co-authorship]

Wang, H., Dill, S., Zhou, H., Ma, Y., Xue, H., Sylvia, S., Boswell, M., Loyalka, P., Lin, J.*, Rozelle, S. (2021). “Off the Epicenter: COVID-19 quarantine controls and employment, education, and health impacts in rural communities.” The China Quarterly. JIF: 2.231

Mo, D. Bai, Y., Shi, Y.J. Abbey, C., Zhang, L.X., Rozelle, S., Loyalka, P. (2020). “Institutions, Implementation, and Program Effectiveness: Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation of Computer Assisted Learning in Rural China.” Journal of Development Economics. JIF: 4.277

Fairlie, R. Loyalka, P. “Schooling and Covid-19: Lessons from Recent Research on EdTech.” (2020). Nature partner journal: Science of Learning. JIF: 5.513

Chang, F., Wang, H., Qu, Y.Q., Zheng, Q., Loyalka, P., Sylvia, S. Dill, S., Rozelle, S. (2020). “The Impact of Pay for Percentile Incentives on Low-Achieving Students in Rural China.” Economics of Education Review. JIF: 2.083

Gu, L., Ling, G.L., Liu, L., Yang, Z.T., Li, G.R., Kardanova, E., Loyalka, P. et al. (2020). “Examining Mode Effects for an Adapted Chinese Critical Thinking Assessment.” Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. JIF: 4.440

Li, G.R., Shcheglova, I.*, Bhuradia, A., Li, Y.Y., Loyalka, P., Zhou, O., Hu, S.F., Yu, N.N., Ma, L.P., Guo, F., Chirikov, I. (2020). Large-scale international assessments of learning outcomes: balancing the interests of multiple stakeholders.” Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. JIF: 2.553

Wang, H., Xue, H.., Friesen, D., Guo, A., Abbey, C., Boswell, M., Ma, Y., Dill, E., Medina, A., Sylvia, S., Loyalka, P., Rozelle, S. (2020). “Health, economic and social impacts of COVID-19 on China’s rural population.” Agricultural Economics. JIF: 3.887

Wang, H., Zhang, M., Li, R., Zhong, O., Johnstone, H., Zhou, H., Xue, H. Sylvia, S., Boswell, M. Loyalka, P., Rozelle, S. (2020). “Tracking the effect of COVID-19 in rural China over time.” International Journal for Equity in Health. JIF: 4.700

3Li, G.R., Li, Xu, J.J., L.Y., Shi, H., *Johnson, N., Yi, H.M., *Chu, J., Kardanova, E., Loyalka, P., Rozelle, S. (2020). “The Impacts of Highly Resourced Vocational Schools on Student Outcomes in China.” China and World Economy. JIF: 2.451



Jiwon Lexi Hwang


Title: Project SPACE (A Simulation-Based Pedagogical Approach in Chemistry Education), funded by NSF (2023-2025)

Abstract: The goals of Project SPACE are to develop and test a co-curricular set of activities that will support the fundamental understanding of chemical reactions and their application in solving advanced science problems for undergraduate students in engineering majors. The project will use training in computational modeling and simulation skills, incorporate evidence-based learning strategies, and further develop students’ science identity through an asset-based pedagogical tool. The project will recruit engineering undergraduate students who are enrolled in a prerequisite chemistry course at California State University, Los Angeles using a variety of methods. Over the course of two years in three distinct implementations the team will pilot-test and refine the course of study. In each implementation, students will be assessed before, during, immediately after, and one semester later in four main areas: chemical reaction knowledge, context-based science problem-solving skills, motivation toward science, and science identity. Through the three implementations, the project will be comprehensively evaluated using a set of instruments to examine its promises for future adaptation and replication at an institutional level.


  1. Hwang, J., Choo, S., Morano, S., †Liang, M., & †, M. (2024). From Silos to Synergy in STEM Education: Promoting Interdisciplinary STEM Education to Enhance Science Achievement of Students with Learning Disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice à Note. Mengyuan Liang was part of this paper.
  2. Hwang, J, *Hwang, J., J. Rodrigues, & Han, M (2024). A Cross-Lagged Analysis on the Relationship between Math Achievement and Behavioral Problem for At-Risk Students. The Elementary School Journal
  3. †Luhar, P., †Vaishya, A., †Flores, K., †Trigueros, M., Santner, S., *Hong, S., & *Hwang, J. (2024). Evaluation of Energetic Performance of Metal Nanoparticles: Computational Materials Research incorporated with Science Pedagogy, MRS Advances.


  1. Education Reform in Food and Agriculture Using Reactive Molecular Dynamic Simulations and Science Pedagogy (e-FARMS)” funded by the United States Department of Agriculture, NIFA program (2023-2027; $1,000,000).



Stefanie Marshall


Building the Capacity Necessary to Implement Equity-FocusedK-12 Computer Science Education Policy


Marshall, S. L., Galey-Horn, S. (2024). STEM leaders promoting resilience within equity-centered K-12 STEM education organizations. Frontiers in Education, 9, 1331358.

Marshall, S.L., Forrester, J., & Tilsen, J. (2024). Science for Our Children: Othermothering Leadership within an Elementary Science Network. Journal of Research in Science Teaching61(3), 533–555.

The following was an invited commentary:

Marshall, S. L., Grooms, A. A., & Childs, J. (2024). Do we have the capacity? The policy imperative for equity‐focused K‐12 computer science education. Journal of Research in Science Teaching.

I served on the consensus committee that produced:

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2024. Equity in K-12 STEM Education: Framing Decisions for the Future. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.



Kate Melhuish

In the past year, Kate Melhuish has received two grants related to making proof based courses more inclusive and humanized. The first grant, Structuring Equitable Participation in Undergraduate Mathematics Proof Classes (NSF # 2235649; PI: Melhuish, Co-PI: Ellis, Patterson, Strickland.) involves adapting practices from K-12 to support more equitable collaboration in group work. Over the course of three years, we are co-developing tasks with mathematicians and studying implementation of them in a range of courses (Intro to Proof, Topology, Analysis, and Linear Algebra). The second grant is a curriculum development and efficacy study for the Introduction to Proof Course: Generating a Research-Informed Transition to a Mathematical Proof Curriculum (NSF# 2141925; PI:Dawkins, Co-PI:Melhuish, Lew, Roh). As co-PI, Melhuish is leading quantitative aspects of the study and the development of rich authorship stories to pair with proofs so students can see the mathematicians behind the proofs reflecting an array of identities and backgrounds.



Muhsin Menekse

Muhsin Menekse and his colleagues received a new NSF EAGER grant. It is funded by the NSF Division of Information and Intelligent Systems. The total amount is $300K and it is a collaborative project with Dr. Dominic Kao (Purdue Polytechnic) and Dr. Diane Litman at the University of Pittsburgh. Menekse is the PI of the project, and the title is “EAGER: Developing and Optimizing Reflection-Informed STEM Learning and Instruction by Integrating Learning Technologies with Natural Language Processing.”

The details can be found here:



Almaz Mesghina

Recent Articles:

Mesghina, A., Vollman, E. P., Trezise, K., & Richland, L. E. (2023). Worked examples moderate the effect of math anxiety on children’s math learning and engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Educational Psychology.

Wong, J. T., Mesghina, A., Chen, E., Au Yueng, C. Y. N., Lerner, B. S., & Richland, L. E. (2023). Zooming in or zoning out? Examining undergraduate learning experiences with Zoom and the role of mind-wandering. Computers and Education Open, 4, 100118.

Mesghina, A., Au Yueng, C. Y. N., & Richland, L. E. (2022). Performing up to par? Performance                        pressure increases undergraduates’ cognitive performance and effort. Journal of Applied         Research in Memory and Cognition, 11(4), 554-568.

Lyons, E. M., Mesghina, A., & Richland, L. E. (2022). Complicated gender gaps in mathematics achievement: Elevated stakes during performance as one explanation. Mind, Brain, & Education, 16(1), 36-47.

Mesghina, A., Wong, J. T., Davis, E. L., Lerner, B. S., Jackson-Green, B. T., & Richland, L. E. (2021). Distressed to distracted: Examining undergraduate learning and stress regulation during the COVID-19 pandemic. AERA Open, 7(1), 1-20.

Mesghina, A. & Richland, L. E. (2020). Impacts of expressive writing on children’s anxiety and math learning: Developmental and gender variability. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 63.



Daniel Reinholz


CAREER: Data Analytics for Equity: Supporting STEM Faculty to Address Implicit Bias in the Classroom (NSF 1943146: $961,017). PI Daniel Reinholz. 06/01/2020 – 05/31/2025.

Collaborative Research: Mathematics Persistence through Inquiry and Equity: Redeveloping Gateway Mathematics in a Two-year HSI to Promote Success in STEM
(NSF 1953713 & 1953753: $2,198,757). PIs: Daniel Reinholz, Mary Pilgrim, Bill Zahner, Bohdan Rhodehamel, Alexandra Hofler, Silvia Nadalet, & Mourad Mjahed. 06/01/2020 – 05/31/2025.


Equitable and Engaging Mathematics Teaching: A Guide to Disrupting Hierarchies in the Classroom


Byun, S., Shah, S., & Reinholz, D. L., (2023). When Only White Students Talk: EQUIP-ing Prospective Teachers to Notice Inequitable Participation. Mathematics Teacher Educator.

Bondurant, L., & Reinholz, D. L. (2023). “Rahul is a Math Nerd” and Mia Can Be a Drama Queen”: How Mixed-Reality Simulations Can Perpetuate Racist
and Sexist Stereotypes. Mathematics Teacher Educator.

Reinholz, D. L., Ridgway, S.*, Sukumar, P., & Shah. N (2023). Visualizing inequity: How STEM educators interpret data visualizations to make judgments about racial inequity. SN Social Sciences, 3, 76.

Leigh-Osroosh, K., Reinholz, D. L., Sianez Jr.*, L. M., & Shah, N. (2023). Data Analytics for Counselor Education: EQUIP as a tool for inclusive excellence. Teaching Practice Briefs.

Wang, S.*, Sung, R., Reinholz, D. L., & Bussey, T. (2023). Equity Analysis of an Augmented Reality-mediated Group Activity in a College Biochemistry Classroom. Journal of Research in Science Teaching.

Christensen, J., Shah, N., Ortiz, N. A., Stroupe, D., & Reinholz, D. L.. (2022). Tracking Inequity: An Actionable Approach to Addressing Inequities in Physics Classrooms. The Physics Teacher.

Reinholz, D. L., Reid, A., & Shah, N. (2022). Not another bias workshop: Using equity analytics to promote anti-racist teaching. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning.

Reinholz, D. L. & Wilhelm, A. G., (2022). Race-gender D/discourses in mathematics education: (Re)-producing inequitable participation patterns across a diverse, instructionally-advanced district. Urban Education.

Reinholz, D. L., Johnson, E., Andrews-Larson, C., Stone-Johnstone, A.*, Smith, J.*, Mullins, B.*, Fortune, N., Keene, K., & Shah, N. (2022). When active learning is inequitable: Women’s participation predicts gender inequities in mathematical performance. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 53(3), 204-226.

Reinholz, D. L. (2022). Interrogating innate intelligence racial narratives: Students’ construction of counter-stories within the history of mathematics. The International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 8, 36-63.

Dorff, M., Mei, M., Reinholz, D. L., & Wakefield, T. (2022). Tipping the scales of mathematical leadership: The TPSE leadership institute. MAA Focus, February/March 2022.

Reinholz, D. L., Pilgrim, M., Stone-Johnstone, A.*, Falkenberg, K., Geanious, C., Ngai, C., Corbo, J. C., & Wise, S. (2021). Focus on outcomes: Fostering
systemic departmental improvements. To Improve the Academy

Tan, P., Yeh, C., & Reinholz, D. L. (2021). Rightful presence in times of crisis and uprisings: A call for disobedience. Equity & Excellence in Education, 54(2), 196-209.

Reinholz, D. L. & Ridgway, S. W.* (2021). Access needs: Centering students and disrupting ableist norms in STEM. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 20(3)

Reinholz, D. L., Paleaz, K.*, & Shah, N. (2021). Capturing who participates and how: The stability of mathematics classroom observations using EQUIP. SN Social Sciences, 1(17), 1-18.

Reinholz, D. L. & Shah, N. (2021). Equity and equality: Data visualizations as mediating artifacts for teacher sensemaking about racial and gender inequity. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE), 21(3).

Reinholz, D. L. (2021). Disability, mathematics, and the Goldilocks conundrum: Implications for mathematics education. For the Learning of Mathematics.

Reinholz, D. L., White, I.*, & Andrews, T. C. (2021). Change theory in STEM higher education: A systematic review. The International Journal of STEM Education, 8(1), 1-22.

Shah, N., Ortiz, N. A.*, Christensen, J.*, Stroupe, D., & Reinholz, D. L.. (2021). Who Participates? Making Equity Work in Classrooms Actionable. Educational Leadership.

Reinholz, D. L. & Pilgrim, M. (2021). Student sensemaking of proofs at various distances: The role of epistemic, rhetorical, and ontological distance in the peer review process. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 106(2), 211-229.

Reinholz, D. L., Stone-Johnstone, A.*, White, I.*, Sianez Jr.*, L. M. & Shah, N. (2020). A pandemic crash course: Learning to teach equitably in synchronous online classes. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 19(4), ar60

Voigt, M.*, & Reinholz, D. L. (2020). Calculating Queer Acceptance and Visibility: A Literature Synthesis on Queer Identity in Mathematics.

Shah, N., Christensen, J.,* Ortiz, N. A.,* Nguyen, A.,* Byun, S.,* Stroupe, D., & Reinholz, D. L.. (2020). Racial Hierarchy and Masculine Space Participatory In/equity in Computational Physics Classrooms. Computer Science Education, 30(3), 254-278.

Reinholz, D. L., Rasmussen, C., & Nardi, E. (2020). Time for (research on) change in mathematics departments. The International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 6(2), 147-158.

Ngai, C., Pilgrim, M., Reinholz, D. L., Corbo, J. C., & Quan, G. (2020). Developing the DELTA: Capturing cultural changes in undergraduate STEM departments. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 19:arx, 1-14, Summer 2020.

Reinholz, D. L., Pawlak, A., Ngai, C., & Pilgrim, M. E. (2020). Departmental Action Teams: Empowering students as change agents in STEM departments. International Journal of Students as Partners, 4(1), 128-137.

Reinholz, D. L. & Andrews, T. C. (2020). Change theory and Theory of Change: What’s the difference anyway? The International Journal of STEM Education, 7(2).

Reinholz, D. L., Stone-Johnstone, A.*, & Shah, N. (2020). Walking the walk: Using classroom analytics to support faculty members to address implicit bias in teaching. International Journal for Academic Development, 25(3), 259-272.



Elizabeth Rivera Rodas


Spencer racial equity grant that began on July 2023.


Ben Van Dusen

Researchers often frame quantitative research as objective, but every step in data collection and analysis can bias findings in often unexamined ways. In this investigation, we examined how the process of selecting variables to include in regression models (model specification) can bias findings about inequities in science and math student outcomes. We identified the four most commonly used methods for model specification in discipline-based education research about equity: a priori, statistical significance, variance explained, and information criterion. Using a quantitative critical perspective that blends statistical theory with critical theory, we reanalyzed the data from a prior publication (Van Dusen & Nissen, 2020) using each of the four methods and compared the findings from each. We concluded that using information criterion produced models that best aligned with our quantitative critical perspective’s emphasis on intersectionality and models with more accurate coefficients and uncertainties. Based on these findings, we recommend researchers use information criterion for specifying models about inequities in STEM student outcomes.,243d389e1da54d31,6f5948f62da28812.html

Intramural Support:

2023-2025 Individualizing Instruction and Improving Research Using Adaptive Testing (PI)
Funder: Iowa State University $80,291

Major awards or grants:

2022-2025 Collaborative Research: Individualizing Instruction and Improving Research using Adaptive Testing (PI)
Funder: National Science Foundation
Award # 2141847 $441,494

2023-2025 RCN: Promoting Equity and Research Using AdaptiveTestingtoSupportIndividualizedInstruction at Scale
Funder: National Science Foundation $499,867
Recommended for funding – should be officially awarded soon

Books or peer-reviewed journal publications since July 2020

(1Postdocs, 2graduate students, 3undergraduate students, 4k-12 teachers)

Book Chapters

Van Dusen B., Vogelsang C., Taylor J., Cauet E. (2022) How to Teach a Teacher: Challenges and Opportunities in Physics Teacher Education in Germany and the USA. In: Fischer H.E., Girwidz R. (eds) Physics Education. Challenges in Physics Education. Springer, Cham.

Peer-reviewed Journal Papers – Published 

Van Dusen, B., Cian, H., Nissen, J., Arellano, L., & Woods, A. D. (2024). Comparing the Efficacy of Fixed-Effects and MAIHDA Models in Predicting Outcomes for Intersectional Social Strata. Sociology of Education, 0(0).

1Morely, A., Nissen, J., & Van Dusen, B. (2023) Measurement invariance across race and gender for the Force Concept Inventory. Physical Review Physics Education Research. 10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.19.020102

1Shultz, M., Close, E., Nissen, J., & Van Dusen, B. (2023) Enacting Culturally Relevant Pedagogy when “Mathematics Has No Color”: Epistemological Contradictions. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. 10.1007/s40753-023-00219-x

Morphew, J., 2Mehrabi, A., Van Dusen, B., Nissen, J., & Chang, H. (2024). AI-Based Concept Inventories: Using Cognitive Diagnostic Computer Adaptive Testing in LASSO for Classroom Assessment. 2024 ASEE Annual Conference. Portland, OR.

1Morely, A., Nissen, J., & Van Dusen, B. (accepted) Measurement invariance across race and gender for the Force Concept Inventory. Physical Review Physics Education Research.

1Shultz, M., Close, E., Nissen, J., & Van Dusen, B. (2023) Enacting Culturally Relevant Pedagogy when “Mathematics Has No Color”: Epistemological Contradictions. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (2023). 10.1007/s40753-023-00219-x

Woods, A. D., Davis-Kean, P. E., Van Dusen, B., Halvorson, M., King, K. M., Logan, J. A. R., Xu, M., Gerasimova, D., Vasilev, M. R., Bainter, S., Clay, J. M., Moreau, D., Joyal-Desmarais, K., Cruz, R. A., Brown, D. M. Y., Schmidt, K., Nissen, J., Uzdavines, A., & Elsherif, M. M. (2023) Best Practices for Addressing Missing Data through Multiple Imputation. Infant and Child Development. doi:

1Shultz, M., Nissen, J., Close, E., Van Dusen, B. (2022). The role of epistemological beliefs in STEM faculty’s decisions to use culturally relevant pedagogy at Hispanic-Serving Institutions. International Journal of STEM Education 9, 32.

Nissen, J., Her Many Horses, I., Van Dusen, B., Jariwala, M., & Close, E. (2022). Providing Context for Identifying Effective Introductory Mechanics Courses. The Physics Teacher60, 179.

Van Dusen, B., & Nissen, J. (2022). How statistical model development can obscure inequities in STEM student outcomes. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering28(3). 10.1615/JWomenMinorScienEng.2022036220

Van Dusen, B., Nissen, J., Talbot, R., 2Huvard, H., Shultz, M. (2021). A QuantCrit investigation of society’s educational debts due to racism and sexism in chemistry student learning. Journal of Chemical

Nissen, J. M., Her Many Horses, I., Van Dusen, B., Jariwala, M., & Close, E. W. (2021). Tools for identifying courses that support development of expertlike physics attitudes. Physical Review Physics Education Research17(1), doi: 10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.17.013103

Nissen, J., Her Many Horses, I., & Van Dusen, B. (2021). Investigating society’s educational debts due to racism and sexism in student attitudes about physics using quantitative critical race theory. Physical Review Physics Education Research. Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.17.010116

Van Dusen, B., 1Shultz, M., Nissen, J., Wilcox, B., Holmes, N.G., Jariwala, M., Close, E., Lewandowski, H.J., Pollock, S. (2021). Online administration of research-based assessments. American Journal of Physics. 89, 7, doi: 10.1119/10.0002888

Van Dusen, B. & Nissen, J. (2020). Associations between learning assistants, passing introductory physics, and equity: A quantitative critical race theory investigation. Physical Review Physics Education Research. 16, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.16.010117

Van Dusen, B. & Nissen, J. (2020). Equity in College Physics Student Learning: a Critical Quantitative Intersectionality Investigation. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. doi:10.1002/tea.21584

Peer Reviewed Archived Conference Proceedings 

1Shultz, M., Van Dusen, B., Close, E., & Nissen, J. (2022). Epistemological Tensions in Applying Culturally Relevant Pedagogy to Undergraduate Mathematics. 2022 Research on Undergraduate Mathematics Education conference. Boston, MA

Buncher, J., Nissen, J., Van Dusen, B. & Talbot, R. (2021). Bias on the Force Concept Inventory across the intersection of gender and race. 2021 Physics Education Research Conference. Virtual. doi:10.1119/

Nissen, J. & Van Dusen, B. (2021). Societal Educational Debts Due to Racism and Sexism in Calculus-based Electricity and Magnetism Courses. 2021 Physics Education Research Conference. Virtual. doi:10.1119/

1Shultz, M., Close, E., Nissen, J., & Van Dusen, B. (2021). How do Mathematics Instructors at Hispanic Serving Institutions Justify their Instructional Decisions? Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education proceedings.

Van Dusen, B. & Nissen, J. (2020). Educational Debts Incurred by Racism and Sexism in Students’ Beliefs About Physics [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled)



Krystal Williams

Grant proposal internally funded by the University of Georgia: Navigating Dual Marginalization: Intersectionality, Role Strain and Adaptation Experiences of Black Women in Computing

Published in the Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering: The Black cultural student STEM success model: A framework for Black students’ STEM success informed by HBCU environments and Black educational logics 



Adrienne Woods

Major grants/awards:

Morgan, P. L., Woods, A. D., & Buxton, O. M. (mPIs) (2021-2024). Investigating Sleep-Related Disparities in U.S. Children’s Learning Difficulties. National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development, PA-18-481 NICHD Small Grant Program (R03 Clinical Trial Optional) ($100,000). Impact Score: 16, Percentile: 1.

Books/peer-reviewed publications:

 Woods, A. D., Jaio, J. L., Morgan, P. L., & Buxton, O. M. (2023). Is sleep longitudinally related to children’s achievement, executive function, and classroom behavior? [Registered Report]. Infant and Child Development.

Woods, A. D., Morgan, P. L., Wang, Y., Farkas, G., & Hillemeier, M. M. (2023). Effects of having an IEP on the reading achievement of students with learning disabilities and speech or language impairments [Registered Report]. Learning Disabilities Quarterly.

Woods, A. D., Davis-Kean, P. E., Halvorson, M., King, K. M., Logan, J. A. R., Xu, M., Gerasimova, D., Vasilev, M. R., Bainter, S., Clay, J. M., Moreau, D., Joyal-Desmarais, K., Cruz, R. A., Brown, D. M. Y., Schmidt, K., Nissen, J., Uzdavines, A., & Elsherif, M. M. (2023) Best practices for addressing missing data through multiple imputation. Infant and Child Development.

Morgan, P. L., Woods, A. D., Wang, Y., Hillemeier, M. M., Farkas, G., & Oh, Y. (2023). Factors predictive of being bullies or victims of bullies in US elementary schools. School Mental Health.

Gloski, C. E., Woods, A. D., Wang, Y., & Morgan, P. L. (2022). How effective are special education services? A best-evidence synthesis. In Kauffman, J. M. (Ed.) Revitalizing Special Education: Revolution, Devolution, and Evolution. Routledge.

Morgan, P. L., Hu, E. H., Woods, A. D., Gloski, C. A., & Wang, Y. (2022). Disparities in family-centered care among US children and youth with special health care needs. The Journal of Pediatrics.

Morgan, P. L., Woods, A. D., Wang, Y., & Gloski, C. A. (2022). Texas special education cap’s associations with disability identification disparities of racial and language minority students. Exceptional Children.

Morgan, P. L., Woods, A. D., Wang, Y., Hillemeier, M. M., Farkas, G., Oh, Y., & Mitchell, (2022). Which children are frequently victimized in us elementary schools? population-based estimates. School Mental Health. *Media Mentions: the 74, Penn State News

Morgan, P. L., Woods, A. D., Wang, Y., (2022). Socio-demographic disparities in ADHD over-diagnosis and -treatment during elementary school. Journal of Learning Disabilities.

Morgan, P. L., Farkas, G., Wang, Y., Woods, A. D., & Hillemeier, M. M. (2022). Are minority students with disabilities disproportionately placed into more restrictive special education settings? Journal of Learning Disabilities. /00222194221094019 *Media Mentions: the Education Gadfly Show, the Hechinger Report/KQED

Mattison, R. E., Woods, A. D., Morgan, P. L., Farkas, G., & Hillemeier, M. M. (2022). Longitudinal trajectories of reading and mathematics achievement for students with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 00222194221085668

Morgan, P. L., Wang, Y., & Woods, A. D. (2021). Risk and protective factors for frequent electronic device use of online technologies. Child Development. /cdev.13532. *Media Mentions: the Hechinger Report, CNN



Jamaal Young

Willie C. Harmon Jr., Marlon James, Jamaal Young & Lawrence Scott (2022) Black Fathers Rising: A QuantCrit Analysis of Black Fathers’ Paternal Influence on Sons’ Engagement and Sense of School Belonging in High School, Equity & Excellence in Education, DOI: 10.1080/10665684.2022.210001

Jamaal Young & Jemimah Young (2022) Decoding the data dichotomy: applying QuantCrit to understand racially conscience intersectional meta-analytic research, International Journal of Research & Method in Education, DOI: 10.1080/1743727X.2022.2093847

Young, J. L., & Young, J. (2022). Underrepresentation in Gifted Education Revisited: The Promise of Single-Group Summaries and Meta-Analytic QuantCrit. Gifted Child Quarterly66(2), 136–138.

Tholen, A., Edosomwan, K., Hong, D., Fulmer, G.W., & Young, J. (2022). Increasing Access to Advanced Mathematics through Self-Selection: A Multinomial Logistic Regression Analysis. The High School Journal 105(2), 145-169. doi:10.1353/hsj.2022.0003.

Edosomwan, K., Young, J., Young, J., & Tholen, A. (2022). Mathematics Mobility in the Middle Grades: Tracking the Odds of Completing Calculus. Middle Grades Review, 8(1).

Young, Jemimah; Worley, Cristina; and Young, Jamaal (2022) “The Promise of the Taxonomy of Online Racism for Critical Race Media Literacy in Social Studies Education Research,” The Councilor: A Journal of the Social Studies: Vol. 83: No. 2, Article 3.
Available at: