April 9-11, 2024 “Archaeological Data Management: A Singular Problem, Twin Challenges, and a Triple Threat.” Sandra Schloen; Paper at Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Auckland, NZ.
March 1, 2024 12-2 pm “Infinitely Recombinant Multimodal Digital Publications: A Graph Database Approach to Digital Text Editing.” Miller Prosser; speaker for DH Forum, sponsored by the Forum for Digital Culture, University of Chicago.
November 18-21, 2023 “Towards a New Digital Model of Samuel-Kings and Chronicles: The Census Narratives as a Test Case.” Doren Snoek and Sarah Yardney; Paper at Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, San Antonio, TX.
November 2-5, 2023 “Knowledge, Language, History and Pedagogy in the Age of AI” [“AI时代的知识、语言、历史与教育学”]; Jeffrey Tharsen, presentation. Beijing Forum, “Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All—Inheritance and Mutual Learning.” Peking University, Beijing.
October 6-8, 2023 “Digital Archaeology and Philology in the Online Cultural and Historical Research Environment.” Miller Prosser and Andrew Wright. Presentation at Digital Archaeology Bern: Ancient West Asia.
September 14-16, 2023 Invisible Labor in Astronomy: 7th Biennial Kathleen A. Zar Symposium. Organized by the Capturing the Stars interdisciplinary research group at the University of Chicago. OCHRE presentation by Miller Prosser and Prof. Emily Kern (history) at the Friday, September 15, afternoon panel session.
September 12-15, 2023 “Benefits of a Graph Network Model in Comparing Rewritten Texts: A Test Case from the Hebrew Bible.” Doren Snoek and Sarah Yardney; Paper at Connected Past: Digital Methods for Studying Networks and Complexity in the Humanities, University of Helsinki
September 11-13, 2023 “Digital Paleography: Advances in the CEDAR Project and Strategies for Difficult Cases.” Sarah Yardney; Paper at Boundaries and Influences in the Archeology of Israel and the Eastern Mediterranean, Ariel University.
August 27 – September 24, 2023 Andrew Wright, Area supervisor and surveyor/geospatial specialist; Sandra Schloen, OCHRE Data Manager. Onsite at Cerro del Villar, Malaga, Spain.
July 23 – August 20, 2023 Andrew Wright, Area supervisor and surveyor/geospatial specialist; Samantha Suppes, OCHRE Data Manager. Onsite at Tell Keisan, Israel.
July 7, 2023 “Advanced Computational Methods for Humanities and Social Sciences Research: Graph Databases, Deep Learning and A.I.” Jeffrey Tharsen; Presentation at Max-Planck-Intitut für Bildungsforschung.

Samantha Suppes and Andrew Wright at Tel Shimron (photo credit: Charles Wilson)
June 18 – August 2, 2023 Andrew Wright, OCHRE Data Manager. Onsite at Tel Shimron, Israel.
June 6, 2023 Digital Humanities at UChicago. Clovis Gladstone and Sandra Schloen. Presentation to the CNRS Humanities delegation on the occasion of their visit to the University of Chicago.
![]() June 5, 2023 Digital X Humanities Jeffrey Tharsen, “Deep Learning Methods and Graph Databases for Philology, History, and Archaeology.” Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures, Taipei. |
![]() June 27-28, 2023 Field trip to Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, WI, with astronomy students (left-to-right) Ha Do, Harper Learmonth, Nicole Millan Ortiz, Daniel Babnigg, and Prof. Richard Kron (photo S. Schloen). |
June 2, 2023 “The Graph Database Ecosystem as Primary Platform for the Study of Premodern Languages and Cultures”. Jeffrey Tharsen; Presentation at New Horizons in Digital Humanities and Cultural Data Science, Hong Kong University.
May 27 – June 17, 2023 Study season, American Expedition to Idalion, Cyprus. Andrew Wright, Associate director, and Senior Research Analyst at the Forum for Digital Culture, University of Chicago.
May 22, 2023 CEDAR (Critical Editions for Digital Analysis and Research) Symposium, Neubauer Collegium.
May 5-6, 2023 “Sustainable Digital Scholarly Research and Publication with the OCHRE Database Platform.” Miller Prosser; Presentation at Advancing Digital Exhibition of Cultural Heritage Symposium. Organized by the Center for the Art of East Asia.
April 7, 2023 “Advanced Research Infrastructures for Premodern East Asian Studies, Archaeology & History”. Jeffrey Tharsen; Presentation at “Anyang and Beyond” Conference, University of Chicago.
March 16, 2023 “Advanced Research Infrastructures for East Asian Studies & History: The ‘C.O.R.E.’ ” Jeffrey Tharsen; Presentation at Tools of the Trade Conference, Harvard.
November 16–19, 2022 ASOR Annual Meeting, “Grand Challenges for Digital Research in Archaeology and Philology. Year Three focus on Digital Publication. Session co-chaired by Dr. Miller Prosser (University of Chicago) and Dr. Timothy Harrison (University of Toronto).
November 10, 2022 “Introduction to the CEDAR Project.” Presentation at the Hebrew Bible and Early Jewish Reception Workshop, University of Chicago Divinity School. Sarah Yardney, PhD, CEDAR Research Specialist.
August 28 – September 24, 2022 Excavations at Cerro del Villar, Malaga, Spain. David Schloen, Co-Director with José Suárez Padilla (Área de Prehistoria. Departamento de Ciencias Históricas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Málaga) and Carolina Lopez-Ruiz (Divinity School, University of Chicago); Andrew M. Wright, Surveyor and Geo-specialist; Sandra R. Schloen, Onsite Data Manager.
July 31 – August 27, 2022 Tell Keisan Excavations, Israel. David Schloen, Co-Director with Gunnar Lehman (Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) and Bernd Schipper (Professor of Old Testament, Humboldt University of Berlin); Andrew M. Wright, Area Supervisor, Nicholas Z. Schulte, Surveyor and Geo-specialist; Sandra R. Schloen, Onsite Data Manager.
June 2022 Zincirli Inventory Project, Zincirli, Turkey.
May 26-28, 2022 Society for Textual Scholarship Conference.
Critical Editions for Digital Analysis and Research (CEDAR)
- Miller C. Prosser (University of Chicago), “Introducing CEDAR and OCHRE: a graph database approach to textual studies”
- Ellen Mackay and Sarah-Gray Lesley (University of Chicago), “Beshrew Me! Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew and Early Modern Domestic Culture”
- Sarah Yardney (University of Chicago), “Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, the CEDAR Bible Project”
Futures in Digital Editing I: Problems in Data Capture, Text, and Publication
Miller C. Prosser (University of Chicago), “From Intertwingularity to TEI and Beyond: Data Integration and Publication inOCHRE (Online Cultural and Historical Research Environment)”
April 29, 2022 CRANE Project Spring Symposium. Miller C. Prosser, “Data Publication and Visualization in the OCHRE Platform.”
December 11, 2021 ASOR Virtual Annual Meeting. “The DeepScribe Research Project: Using Computer Vision to Read Elamite Cuneiform Tablets from the Persepolis Fortification Archive” in the session “Scribal Hands and Habits in Cuneiform Texts.” Presented by Dr. Miller Prosser (Digital Studies, University of Chicago) and Dr. Sanjay Krishnan (Computer Science, University of Chicago). Watch HERE.
November 17–20, 2021 ASOR Annual Meeting, “Grand Challenges for Digital Research in Archaeology and Philology.” Session co-chaired by Dr. Miller Prosser (University of Chicago) and Dr. Timothy Harrison (University of Toronto).
November 12, 2021 Digital Technologies Expo 2021 for Humanists, Logan Center 901, 3:00 – 5:30 pm.
April 6–8, 2021, “Digital Paleography in CEDAR using the Online Cultural and Historical Research Environment (OCHRE).” Presentation by Sarah Yardney and Miller Prosser in the online international symposium, Digital Paleography and Hebrew/Aramaic Scribal Culture. Watch HERE.
January 5, 2021, visit to the Amache Internment Camp.
November 12-15 & 19-22, 2020 ASOR Virtual Conference, “Grand Challenges for Digital Research in Archaeology and Philology.” Session co-chaired by Dr. Miller Prosser (University of Chicago) and Dr. Timothy Harrison (University of Toronto).
November 5, 2020. University of Chicago CMES guest lecture. Miller Prosser. “The Ras Shamra Tablet Inventory: Digital Philology and Archaeology using the OCHRE Database Platform.” View a recording of the presentation.
August 26, 2020 4:45 – 6:30 Central Time (5:45 – 7:30 Eastern Time) UChicago Alumni Club of New York City. “Genetics and Archaeology: DNA Research Changing Human History.” Register here. View a Youtube recording of the event.
August 5, 2020, 11 am – noon. CDAC Summer Lab Speaker Series. Sandra Schloen, Image Analysis + AI. View a Youtube recording of the event.
June 15 – Aug 28, 2020. OCHRE Data Service mentored two students through the CDAC Summer Lab. Special thanks to Grace Su (Columbia University, Computer Science undergraduate) and Helena Abney-McPeek (Harvard University, Computer Science undergraduate) for their hard work and their significant contributions to our projects.
April 3, 2020, 12:30 – 1:30 pm. Deciphering Cuneiform with Artificial Intelligence. Presentation and discussion with Dr. Sanjay Krishnan (Computer Science) and Dr. Miller Prosser (Oriental Institute), collaborators on the DeepScribe project. Sponsored by the Center for Data and Computing (CDAC), University of Chicago. View a recording of the presentation.
February 23-24, 2020. New Frontiers in the Digital Analysis and Representation of Texts. Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society, University of Chicago. Presentations and discussion featuring participants of the OCHRE-based CEDAR (Critical Editions for Digital Analysis and Research) project.
November 25, 2019. Society for Biblical Literature (SBL) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Sarah Yardney (OCHRE/CEDAR Project) “Reconsidering the Evidence of 4Q52 with the Aid of Digital Paleography.”
November 23, 2019. Society for Biblical Literature (SBL) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. OCHRE/CEDAR-BOS-HBCE Project Collaboration meeting.

Left-to-right: Doren Snoek, Sandra Schloen, Ron Hendel, Juha Pakkala, Sarah Yardney, Mika Pajunen, Reinhard Müller, Jeffrey Stackert, Timo Tekoniemi, Hannu Kalavainen, Matthieu Richelle, Tuukka Kauhanen, Ville Mäkipelto, Miller Prosser; photo courtesy of Jessy (Westin housekeeper).
October 18 – 19, 2019. New Perspectives on the Archaeology of the Holy Land, Workshop. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Graduiertenzentrum der Theologischen Fakultät, Berlin, Germany. Sandra R. Schloen, “A Computational Perspective on Biblical Archaeology.”
October 15, 2019. Fenicios Entre Oriente Y Occidente: El Yacimiento Del Cerro Del Villar, Workshop. Universidad de Málaga, Spain. David Schloen, “Phoenicians, East and West: The Southward Expansion of the Kingdom of Tyre in the Levant as a Basis for the Colonization of Iberia.”

Friends of the Phoenicians, in Málaga, Spain. With José Suarez, Manuel Álvarez, David Schloen, (guest), Carolina López-Ruiz. (Photo: Sandra Schloen)
September 16 – 30, 2019. Chicago-Tübingen Expedition to Zincirli. David Schloen, University of Chicago.
September 11, 2019. Lunchtime Lecture, Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities, Loyola University, Chicago. Miller C. Prosser, “A Showcase of Digital Philology Projects using the OCHRE Database Platform.”
July 14 – August 10, 2019. Corral Redondo Expedition, Peru. University of Chicago, and a project of the Institute of Field Research. Abraham Seare, Onsite Data Manager.
July 8-12, 65ᵉ Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Paris, France. Miller C. Prosser, “A Manifesto on Digital Philology: Objects, Texts, and Analysis in the Ras Shamra Tablet Inventory.”
July 2019. Tell Keisan Excavations, Israel. Alexander Ward, Surveyor and Geo-specialist; Sandra R. Schloen, Onsite Data Manager.
June 16 – August 3, 2019. Tel Shimron Excavations, Israel. Andrew M. Wright, Onsite Data Manager.
June 3-4, 2019. Workshop on Scholarly Digital Editions, Graph Data-Models and Semantic Web Technologies, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland. Miller C. Prosser and Sandra R. Schloen, “The Power of OCHRE’s Highly Atomic Graph Database Model for the Creation and Curation of Digital Text Editions.” #graphSDE2019
April 26, 2019. An Organon for the Information Age, Workshop with Visiting Fellow Brian Cantwell Smith, Neubauer Collegium, UChicago.
April 10-14, 2019. Society for American Archaeology, Albuquerque, NM. Annual Meeting, Exhibit. Miller C. Prosser and Sandra R. Schloen.
April 10-14, 2019. Society for American Archaeology, Albuquerque, NM. Poster session. Abraham Seare and Katherine Hodge, “Online Cultural and Historical Research Environment: Standardization vs. Flexibility.”
April 9, 2019. Chaco Canyon, NM. Field trip. Organized by the Institute of Field Research.
March 15-16, 2019. CRANE 2.0 Workshop, University of Toronto, Canada.
March 2019. The OI Excavation at Nippur, Iraq; Season Twenty. Andrew M. Wright, Onsite Data Manager.
November 15-18, 2017. ASOR, Boston, MA. Miller Prosser and Sandra Schloen,“Modeling Textual Data and Complex Writing Systems to Address Philological Research Questions in OCHRE.”
November 15-18, 2017. ASOR, Boston, MA. Sandra Schloen and Miller Prosser, “Integration as Inspiration: Achieving Research Goals using the Online Cultural and Historical Research Environment (OCHRE).” Participants in the Digital Archaeology Demo Showcase.
November 10, 2017, Digital Humanities Forum, University of Chicago. Colton G. Siegmund, “Corpus-based Analyses of Western Peripheral Akkadian in the OCHRE Database Environment.”
October 13, 2017. Economic Analysis of Ancient Trade (EAAT) Workshop, Neubauer Collegium, Chicago.
August 1 – September 28, 2017. Onsite at Zincirli Höyük.
June 13 – August 1, 2017. Onsite at Tel Shimron.
April 28, 2017. CRESCAT Workshop, featuring the Greek Coin Hoard Project. Papers by David Schloen, Sandra Schloen, Alain Bresson, Walter Shandruk, and Miller Prosser.
March 17-20, 2017 AOS, Los Angeles. Miller Prosser, “The Ras Shamra Tablet Inventory: a Textual and Archaeological Research Project in the OCHRE Database Environment.”
March 14-16, 2017. CAA, Atlanta. OCHRE Workshop (S. Schloen). Miller Prosser, “Digital Philology in the Ras Shamra Tablet Inventory Project: text curation through computational intelligence.”
November 16-19, 2016. ASOR, San Antonio, TX. Exhibitor. Miller Prosser and Sandra Schloen, “More Than Just a Pretty Geodatabase: Spatial Data Integration Using the Online Cultural and Historical Research Environment.
July 1 – Aug. 2, 2016. Onsite at Tel Keisan.
May 1-3, 2016; CNRS visit, Paris.
April 25-29, 2016. ICAANE, Vienna. Miller Prosser and Sandra Schloen, “Unlocking Legacy Data: Integrating old and new archaeological records in the Online Cultural and Historical Research Environment” (Workshop: Old Excavation Data: What Can We Do?)
April 25-29, 2016. ICAANE, Vienna. Sandra Schloen and Miller Prosser “Collaborative Research in a Database Environment: Putting to rest the problem of unlikely bedfellows” (CRANE Workshop: Large-Scale Data Integration).
January 22, 2016. Neubauer Collegium. A Workshop on Economic Analysis of Ancient Trade: The Case of the Old Assyrian Merchants of the 19th Century BCE .Sandra Schloen, “Computational capabilities and usage of the OCHRE system for research on ancient trade and social institutions.”
January 21, 2016. Brown bag lecture, Oriental Institute. Miller Prosser, “Textual Research in the OCHRE Database Environment..”
November 18-21, 2015. ASOR, Atlanta. GA.
November 15, 2015. Tenth Annual Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science, University of Chicago. David Schloen,”Taxonomies Are Data, Too: Dealing with Ontological Heterogeneity in Digital Humanities.”
October 27, 2015. Participation and poster, Mind Bytes 2015, Research Computing Center, University of Chicago.
July 2015. Onsite at Tell Keisan, Israel (photo R. Schloen).
May 8, 2015. CINEMA Workshop, Vienna. Austrian Academy of Sciences, OREA.
March 30-April 2, 2015. CAA, Siena. Sandra Schloen, “Rhapsody in Green:Database Variations on a Theme.”
March 26-29, 2015. CRANE Workshop, Toronto. Miller Prosser and Sandra Schloen, “Collaborative research in a database environment: the case for cross-project archaeological investigation.”
Nov. 17-20, 2018. SBL Denver, CO.
Nov. 14-17, 2018. ASOR Denver, CO.
August – September 2018. Onsite, Zincirli, Turkey.
July 2018. Onsite, Tel Keisan, Israel.
June 7-10, 2018. The Carlsberg-Yale-Harvard Workshop: Social Networks in the Bronze Age, Approaching an Old Assyrian Prosopography,
June 1, 2018. Oriental Institute Research Fair,
May 17-18, 2018. Coin Circulation in the Ancient Greek World, Paris,
May 4, 2018. MEHAT Roundtable. Miller C. Prosser.
May 4, 2018. CEDAR Workshop.
April 24, 2018. Ancient Societies Workshop, Department of Classics, University of Chicago. Alain Bresson and Walter Shandruk, “Hoards and Networks: Modeling Coinage Circulation in the Archaic and Classical World.”
March 6-9, 2018. ESRI Developer Summit, Palms Springs, CA. Sandra Schloen, “No Second Chances: Revolutionizing Archaeological Recording Using the ArcGIS SDK for Java.”
November 19-22, 2014. American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR), Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Miller Prosser and Sandra Schloen, “Collaborative Research in a Database Environment: Many Projects, Diverse Data, One Research Goal.” Miller Prosser, “Beyond Digital Imaging: Integrating Digital Images and Philological Research Data.”
November 14, 2014. Digital Humanities Forum, University of Chicago. Sandra Schloen and Miller Prosser, “Strategies for Managing Digitized Texts using the Online Cultural and Historical Research Environment (OCHRE).”
October 11-13, 2014. CRANE Workshop, University of Laval, Quebec (photo compliments of a passing stranger).
June 24, 2014. Zincirli Workshop, Tübingen. Miller Prosser, “The OCHRE system used for data management at Zincirli.”
June 9-13, 2014. International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, Basel. Miller Prosser, “Re-imagining imaging for archaeological and philological projects.”
April 24-25, 2014. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference, Paris. Miller Prosser, “Generating epigraphic letter charts in a database environment: a case-study in alphabetic Ugaritic mythological and administrative texts.” Sandra Schloen, “Places, Periods, People, and Events: Integrating Space, Time, and Agency in the Digital Representation of Archaeological Data.”
March 27, 2014. An Introduction to OCHRE for RCC Staff, Chicago.
March 21-22, 2014. CRANE Workshop, University of Toronto, Canada.
January 2-5, 2014. Exhibitor at Archaeological Institute of America (AIA/APA),Chicago.
July 1 – August 12, 2013. On location at the Neubauer Expedition to Zincirli, Turkey.
April 6, 2013. Society for American Archaeology (SAA), Annual Meeting. David Schloen and Sandra Schloen, “Organizing and Integrating Archaeological Data,” Honolulu, HI.
March 22, 2013. CRANE Workshop, University of Toronto, Canada. Miller Prosser, “Archaeological Data Integration and Cross-Project Analysis.”
November 18, 2012. Miller Prosser, “The OCHRE Database, a Warehouse for Big Data Generated by Archaeological and Philological Projects at the Oriental Institute,” Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science.
November 14-17, 2012. OCHRE at ASOR. Visit our booth during the conference!
October 20, 2012. David Schloen and Miller Prosser, “Using Computers to Help Scholars Have Good Arguments,” Humanities Day.
August 29, 2012. Demotic Roundtable Discussion.