Yeonhee Jenny Park
Lab Technician and Manager Crystallography and Biophysics of fruit fly proteins in synapse specification.
Next Position: UIC College of Pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmacy Program

Elana Baltrusaitis
Lab Technician and Manager Protein interaction screening.
Next Position: UPenn, Ph.D. Program

Shouqiang Cheng
Post-doctoral Scholar Cell surface Protein Interactomes regulating synapse formation.
Next Position: Abbott, Senior Scientist

Jing Wang
Post-doctoral Scholar Crystallography of axon guidance protein complexes.

Joseph Pak
Graduate Student (Committee on Neurobiology) Axon guidance and coalescence in the mouse nervous system

Agnieszka Olechwier
Master’s Student Crystallography and Biophysics of fly and worm protein complexes controlling axon guidance
Next Position: Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland), Ph.D. Program

Patryk Poliński
Master’s Student Structural Biology of secreted synaptogenic factors
Next Position: Centre for Genomic Regulation (Spain), Ph.D. Program

Justyna Kurleto
Master’s Student Biophysical rules and evolution of immunoglobulin superfamily proteins involved in neuronal identity and connectivity
Next Position: UT Southwestern, Ph.D. Program

Nathan Canniff
Undergraduate Student Cell surface Interactomes and Synapse Specification
Next Position: UMass Amherst, Ph.D. Program

Brad Lee
Undergraduate Student Extracellular Matrix proteins involved in controlling synapse formation
Next Position: Northwestern University, Medical (M.D.) Student

William Mallen
Undergraduate Student Signaling pathways involved in synapse formation and maturation
Next Position: Columbia University, Ph.D. Program

Zainab Aziz
Undergraduate Student Structural Biology of secreted proteins in synapse formation and axon guidance
Next Position: Columbia University, M.D./M.S. Program

Raunak Kundagrami
Undergraduate Student Molecular evolution of axon guidance complexes in early vertebrates
Next Position: Harvard University, Ph.D. Program
Justin Lee
Undergraduate Student Rational design and engineering of neuronal wiring receptors in the fruit fly

Isabel Ojeda
Lab Technician and Manager Biochemistry of novel axon guidance receptor-cue pairs
Next Position: Research and Development Scientist, Abbott

Michael Clark
Rotation Student (MSTP, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics)
Christina Roman
Rotation Student (Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics)
Marta Borowska
Rotation Student (Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics)
Nicole Ladd
Rotation Student (Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics)
Matt Reyer
Rotation Student (Biophysical Sciences)
Matt Rosen
Rotation Student (Computational Neuroscience)
Shuo Huang
Rotation Student (Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics)