PIPES is now the Workshop on International Politics


2011-2012 School Year

We have an excellent school year coming up, with a lot of great presenters scheduled. Our Fall Quarter is already full, but we have dates open in the Winter and Spring. If you are interested.

This year we will be keeping this blog up to date with the future presenters. Therefore you have several ways to know who is presenting this coming week:

1) Old School – Keep an eye out for the flyers that will be around campus.

2) Listserv – Go to the PIPES site and add yourself to the listserv. Just click on Subscribe, and add your email.

3) RSS – Follow this blog using your favorite RSS Reader, and you will receive weekly announcements as to who is speaking.

Papers will still be delivered electronically only, and not through this blog, so you will have to subscribe to the listserv to get the papers.