Certificate in Advanced Quantitative Methods
There is an ever-greater demand for scholars who can innovate methodologically and understand how to use the theory of statistical inference and cutting-edge techniques to tackle challenging problems in substantive research. Our new certificate program in Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM) is offered by the Committee on Quantitative Methods in Social, Behavioral, and Health Sciences, which is a University-wide interdisciplinary group of distinguished scholars from the Social Science Division, Biological Science Division, Physical Science Division, and the Harris School of Public Policy. Its faculty are committed to improving methodological research and training in bio statistics, econometrics, psychometrics, and social statistics and in cross-cutting fields including formal modeling, survey methodology, and computational strategies, with the goal of advancing applied research of individuals, populations, and societies. Through this certificate program, we aim to recruit methodologically-oriented students to the University and attract current students who wish to deepen their methodological training. We are particularly interested in recruiting and supporting women and racial/ethnic minority students who are under-represented in the fields involving quantitative research.
Eligibility is limited to students who are currently enrolled full time in a doctoral degree program at the University of Chicago. Students may apply to the certificate program at any stage of the doctoral study. A certificate will be granted when a student (i) has fulfilled all other course requirements in his or her degree program, (ii) has successfully completed for a quality grade a required sequence of courses in statistical theory that provides a conceptual foundation based on probability and mathematical statistics, and (iii) has successfully completed for a quality grade at least three elective courses in advanced quantitative research methods drawn from the course list (by definition, an advanced level course typically requires at least one intermediate level course as a prerequisite). The elective courses are chosen by the student, in consultation with Committee faculty and Senior Instructional Professor. These courses should constitute a coherent curriculum in methodological training, individualized to support dissertation work and a long-term research agenda. In addition, a minimum one course is required beyond the requirement of the student’s home discipline for the purpose of advancing their research, with guidance from an advisor on our Committee in course selection. When necessary, a student may file a petition to be reviewed by the curriculum subcommittee. (iv) Applicants to the certificate program are required to attend the biweekly Quantitative Methods Workshop for three quarters in accumulation and at least four times per quarter. Doctoral students shall register for SOSC 47900: Quantitative Methods Workshop, and will receive a P/F grade. (The Workshop maintains a sign-in sheet for attendees in PhD programs.) (v) Each AQM student is required to present a research paper that poses a novel methodological problem or offers a creative solution at a Quantitative Methods Workshop.
Click here for information on how to apply to the AQM program.