Viresh Rawal
Chair, Department of Chemistry
University of Chicago, 2015-2018, 2021-present
Professor of Chemistry
University of Chicago, 1999-present
Associate Professor of Chemistry
University of Chicago, 1995-1998
Associate Professor of Chemistry
The Ohio State University, 1994-1995
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
The Ohio State University, 1988-1994
Post-Doctoral Studies, 1986-1988
Professor Gilbert Stork, advisor
Columbia University, New York, NY 10027
Ph.D. Organic Chemistry, 1980-1986
Professor Michael P. Cava, advisor
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104
B.S. Chemistry, cum laude, 1976-1980
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 (Professor Gary A. Epling, Honors Research)
2022, International Society of Heterocyclic Chemistry E.C. Taylor Senior Award
2019, Chemical Research Society of India, 2019 CRSI Medal
2015, Japan Society for the Promotions of Science (JSPS) Fellowship
2006-2008, NSF Workshop for Organic Synthesis and Natural Products, Co-organizer
2007, Novartis International Chemistry Lectureship Award
2004, Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
2003, ACS Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award
2002, Troisieme Cycle—Swiss Chemical Society Lectureship Tour
1995-1998, Pfizer Research Award for Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 1995-1998
1995, Merck Young Investigator Award
1994, American Cyanamid Faculty Award
1993-1995, Eli Lilly Grantee Award
1990-1993, American Cancer Society Junior Faculty Research Award
1988, DuPont Young Faculty Award
1983-1985, Dean’s Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania
1981-1985, Rohm and Haas Fellowship and Douty Foundation Fellowship
Journal of Organic Chemistry (2004-07)
Heterocycles (2007-),
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry (2012-)
Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry (2012-)
Organic Syntheses (2007-2015)
Organic Chemistry Frontiers (2014-)
Tetrahedron & Tetrahedron Letters (2015-)
Volume Editor, Science of Synthesis, “Compounds with All-Carbon Functions”
American Cancer Society, Cancer Drug Development Committee, 2005-2008 (Chair)
Abbott Laboratories (AbbVie), 1999-2016
Scios Inc., Consultant, Scientific Advisory Board, 2005-2006
National Institutes of Health—Medicinal Chemistry Study Section, 1997, 1999-2003