Forensic Psychological Evaluations
Forensic psychological evaluations for asylum-seekers are a critical addition to the asylum process that make legible the psychological impacts of immigration trauma to immigration court systems. Dr. Hilado provides pro bono evaluations in partnership with the Midwest Human Rights Collaborative and the Chicago People’s Rights Collaborative.
To date, Dr. Hilado has supported training in this area of practice including joint sessions with the UChicago Pozen Human Rights Center and UChicago Law School in April 2024. The Lab will house future research on the nature of the clinical process during evaluations and best practices in this area of work.

April 11, 2024 Panel of Speakers
(Left to Right): Vincent Iocapino, M.D., Lee VanderLiden, J.D., Aimee Hilado, Ph.D., LCSW, Minal Giri, M.D.

April 12 Event Speakers including Special Guest: Vincent Iocapino, M.D.
Photo Order – Bottom (left to right): Dr. Iocapino, Dr. Rebecca Ford-Paz, Prof. Nicole Hallett, Dr. Ida Salusky, Dr. Rohini Haar, Dr. Adam Avrushin, Cliff Chan.
Top Row (left to right): Dr. Jessica Darrow, Dr. Minal Giri, Dr. Aimee Hilado, Dr. Maria Ferrera