Our November 11 workshop has been postponed. We will update you as soon as we have a new date scheduled.

In the meantime, please do join us for our R&HS Social on the evening of November 11:


R&HS Social!

Come and celebrate the end of midterms with the Religion and Human Sciences Club next Monday at the Ida Noyes Pub!

We’re teaming up with the RLVC club to host a get together for anyone interested in the committees that make up the Religion and Human Sciences area in the Divinity School: History of Religions, Anthropology and Sociology of Religion and Religion, Literature and Visual culture.

Snacks, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages are on us!

Where? Ida Noyes Pub

When? Monday 11th November, 6pm-7.30pm 

Please remember that an entry fee is required to enter the Ida Noyes Pub. Door entry fees are $3 for a guest pass, valid for one day’s entry or $10 for an annual membership, which is valid until August 2020. If your access to our event will be restricted as a result of this fee, or for any other reason, let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you. Contact: skchauhan@uchicago.edu

See you there!