by Nancy Frankenberry
This month the Religion and Culture Web Forum welcomes Martin Marty Center Senior Fellow Nancy Frankenberry. Her piece, “Believing Scientists in America: Polling from Leuba to Larson to Pew,” offers an exploration of the findings and implications of three polls that attempted to measure the attitudes of leading scientists on the questions of the existence of God and the possibility of an afterlife. The paper is but one aspect of her work-in-progress under the broad title “Believing Scientists in America.” In April 2016 Frankenberry shared another portion of that project, entitled “Trials and Tribulations of Theistic Evolution,” as part of her Martin Marty Center Senior Fellow Symposium.
Click here for access to the paper.
Nancy Frankenberry is John Phillips Professor in Religion Emerita at Dartmouth College where she taught courses in philosophy of religion; women and gender studies and religion; and science and religion. Her research and writing have attempted to span all three areas. She is the author or editor/co-editor of five books, as well as over sixty scholarly articles, book chapters, and critical reviews. Most recently, she has completed a series of five papers in the general area of religious epistemology. With the completion of a book-manuscript tentatively titled “Pragmatism and the End of Religion,” she expects to wrap up her work in philosophy of religion. Frankenberry is currently a Senior Fellow at the Martin Marty Center.
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