The Religion & Culture Forum (previously the Religion and Culture Web Forum) was a digital publication of the Martin Marty Center for the Public Understanding of Religion at the University of Chicago Divinity School, which began in January of 2002 and continued monthly publications until June of 2018. The Forum hosted conversations about the relationship between scholarly work on religion and global public cultures. The Forum still exists digitally as an online archive of thought-provoking discussions on the intersection(s) of scholarship in religion with culture and public life. Every month from 2002 to 2018, the Marty Center, the research arm of the University of Chicago Divinity School, invited scholars of religion to comment on their research in a way that “opened out” to themes, problems, and events in world cultures and contemporary life. Scholars from diverse fields of study were invited to offer responses to these commentaries. You can access every issue from the Forum‘s sixteen-year history at the Religion & Culture Forum website, and we’d encourage you to subscribe to the Marty Center’s other digital publication, Sightings. Thank you for your sixteen years of readership!
Most recently, the Religion & Culture Forum was edited by Joel A. Brown, PhD student in Religions in America at the Divinity School. Emily D. Crews, Divinity School PhD candidate in the History of Religions, was the previous editor. All inquiries regarding the Forum should be sent to the editor.