The MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics and the Program on Religion and Medicine are two invaluable resources here at the university for students to engage specifically in questions regarding religion, ethics, and the practice of medicine. Please check their respective websites for upcoming events and ongoing lecture series.
On November 10th, at International House here on campus, the Religion and Ethics Workshop will be co-sponsoring the upcoming symposium on Practice and Profession with the Program on Religion and Medicine. We would encourage any students and faculty that are able to go to the all-day symposium to attend. It promises to be a stellar event with an impressive list of scholars slated to speak; including Stanley Hauerwas (Duke), Gerald McKenny (Notre Dame), Margaret Mohrmann (UVA) and UC faculty Daniel Sulmasy, Martin Marty, Farr Curlin and Jonathan Lear. Registration is free and you can register online at the Program on Religion and Medicine website.
Update: Papers for the Symposium can be found here
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