Dear Colleagues, Students, Faculty,
The spring quarter is upon us. Here is the tentative schedule for the events in the upcoming quarter. Some of these dates are tentative and could shift. We will also be adding new events soon, so check the blog for updates. As always we will be sending out emails as events approach.
Thursday, March 29th at noon – Michael Sohn “Paul Ricoeur and the Renewal of the Christian Tradition.” Please join the Religion and Ethics Workshop for a dissertation chapter presentation by PhD candidate, Michael Sohn, entitled, “PAUL RICOEUR AND THE RENEWAL OF CHRISTIAN TRADITION.” PhD student, Darryl Ferguson will be responding. Swift Hall, Room 200. Pizza will be provided.
Tuesday, April 24th at noon – Michael Turner will be presenting work from his dissertation, Room TBD.
Friday, April 27th – David Clairmont (Notre Dame) “Between Inculturation and Natural Law: Prospects for a Catholic Comparative Theological Ethics.” Room TBD
Thursday, May 10th – Robin Lovin (Southern Methodist University) Title and Room TBD
May 11-12, Conference: Before Authority: Renegotiating Power and Religion, Swift Hall
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