Please join us Tuesday Nov. 19th at 7:30 PM in Rm. S201 for a lecture by Professor Ahn, an alumnus of the University and a professor at Northpark. He will be lecturing on the topic of his recently published book, Religious Ethics and Migration: Doing Justice to Undocumented Workers. Refreshments will be provided. Please see below for summary of his topic.
What does it mean to provide justice for undocumented workers who have been living among us without proper legal documentation? How can we do justice to the undocumented migrants who have been doing the low-skilled, low-paid jobs unwanted by citizens? Why should we even try to do justice for people who violate the laws of the society?
This lecture tries to provide a religious ethical answer to these questions. In addressing these questions, Ilsup Ahn not only incorporates a distinctive religious ethical perspective—the Christian theology of forgiveness—but also employs in-depth dialogues with other relevant disciplines such as immigration history, global economics, political science, legal philosophy, and social theory.
He argues that the political appropriation of a Christian theology of forgiveness and the radical hospitality modeled after it are the most practical and justifiable solutions to the current immigration crisis in North America.
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