Exploring the intersections of religion and ethics for contemporary reflection

Author dstrand

Final Pub Night of the Year!! Saturday, June 2nd @ 8pm, Ida Noyes

Come one, come all to our final pub night of the year.  There will be plenty of strong drink and food.  Come early, stay late, celebrate the first year of the workshop.  And, as always, argue about Kant.

“Affirmative Action and the Matter of Deserving: A Theological Perspective” Michael Turner, Swift Hall 200, Tuesday May 22nd at Noon

Join the Religion and Ethics Workshop this Tuesday for our final lunchtime discussion of the year. (Gourmet) Pizza provided; no preparation necessary. Michael Turner, “Affirmative Action and the Matter of Deserving: A Theological Perspective.” Swift Hall 200, Tuesday May 22nd… Continue Reading →

“Autonomy and the Ars Moriendi” Michelle Harrington, Friday, May 18th @ noon, Swift 200

Please join the Religion and Ethics Workshop Friday, May 18th at noon.  Swift Hall, Room 200 for a dissertation chapter presentation by PhD candidate Michelle Harrington entitled, “Autonomy and the Ars Moriendi,” examining the role of the self (or “patient”) in palliative care… Continue Reading →

Conference – “Before Authority: Renegotiating Power and Religion” May 11-12, Swift Hall

For those interested, there will be a two day conference this weekend that is co-sponsored by the Religion and Ethics Workshop entitled “Before Authority.”  This conference was organized by UChicago students Rick Elgendy and Josh Daniel.  They have a pretty… Continue Reading →

“Christian Realism and Humanitarian Intervention” Robin Lovin, Thursday, May 10th @ 5pm, Swift 106

The Religion and Ethics Workshop is proud to announce Robin Lovin, Cary Maguire University Professor of Ethics, Southern Methodist University, will be giving a talk on “Christian Realism and Humanitarian Intervention” on Thursday, May 10th @ 5pm in Swift Hall 106.  Prof… Continue Reading →

“Between Inculturation and Natural Law: The Contribution of Catholic Moral Theology to Comparative Religious Ethics” David Clairmont- Friday, April 27th at noon, Swift 200

Please join the Religion and Ethics Workshop this Friday, April 27th, at noon on the second floor of Swift Hall (room 200) for a presentation by David Clairmont.  Prof. David Clairmont will present his current research project with a presentation entitled,… Continue Reading →

Michael Sohn “Paul Ricoeur and the Renewal of the Christian Tradition” Thursday, March 29th @ Noon

Please join the Religion and Ethics Workshop for a dissertation chapter presentation by PhD candidate, Michael Sohn, entitled, “PAUL RICOEUR AND THE RENEWAL OF CHRISTIAN TRADITION.” PhD student, Darryl Ferguson will be responding. Thursday, March 29th at noon.  Swift Hall, Room… Continue Reading →

Spring Schedule

  Dear Colleagues, Students, Faculty, The spring quarter is upon us.  Here is the tentative schedule for the events in the upcoming quarter.  Some of these dates are tentative and could shift.  We will also be adding new events soon,… Continue Reading →

“Responsibility in Barth and Modern Ethics” Gerald McKenny, Thursday, March 1st at 4:30pm in Swift 106

Please join the Religion and Ethics Workshop and the Theology Workshop for an evening of discussion with Gerald McKenny (Notre Dame) on “Responsibility in Karl Barth and Modern Ethics.”  Prof. McKenny has recently published a book on Barth’s ethics entitled… Continue Reading →

Lisa Sideris ”The ‘Re-enchantment’ of Scientific Narratives” Feb. 10th, 12PM Swift Hall 106

Lisa Sideris, Associate Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Indiana University, is focusing on the “re-enchantment” of scientific narratives.  She is looking at science-based spirituality, such as the Epic of Evolution/Universe story phenomenon, that proffers scientific (including evolutionary) accounts of the natural world… Continue Reading →

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