Religion and Ethics Workshop

Exploring the intersections of religion and ethics for contemporary reflection



Panel on President’s Bioethics Commission – Monday, Oct 3rd at 6:30pm

For its inaugural event, the Religion and Ethics Workshop is proud to announce Daniel Sulmasy,  Kilbride-Clinton Professor of Medicine and Ethics in the Department of Medicine and Divinity School; Associate Director of the MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics in… Continue Reading →

Fall Workshop Schedule

October October 3rd, 6-7:30pm, Lecture Hall, Swift Hall, Bioethics Panel: Daniel Sulmasy, Daniel Brudney, pub night to follow October 12th, 4-6pm, Common Room, Swift Hall, Dialogue on 9/11 with Jean Bethke-Elshtain and Peter Berkowitz, reception to follow October 13th-14th, all… Continue Reading →

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