Ayanna Thompson on “Encountering Othello Anew through the Deutsches Theater Berlin”

Please join the Renaissance Workshop
Thursday, May 31 when

Ayanna Thomspon
Professor, English
George Washington University
presents the paper:

“Encountering Othello Anew through the Deutsches Theater Berlin”

**Please note the unusual day.**
There is no precirculated paper for this workshop. Light refreshments will be served.

This project is funded by the Vice Provost for Academic Leadership, Advancement and Diversity, and we thank the Chicago Center for Teaching for its support. This event is also co-sponsored by the English Department, the Franke Institute for the Humanities, and the Nicholson Center for British Studies.

If you would like to join our email list, please click here. We are committed to making our workshop fully accessible to all persons. Questions, requests, and/or concerns may be directed to Beatrice Bradley (bbradley@uchicago.edu) or Jo Nixon (ejnixon@uchicago.edu).

Image Source: Image Provided by Ayanna Thompson, Othello, dir. Jette Steckel (2009)