FALL 2019
October 4*
4:30 pm, CWAC 152
Max Koss, PhD
“Pan’s papers”**
Respondent: Hanne Graversen, PhD candidate, Department of Art History
*Please note that this meeting takes place on a Friday.
**Paper will be circulated at the beginning of the week.
November 6
Héctor M. Varela Rios, PhD candidate, Divinity School
“Enrique and La Morenita: toward an artifact-centered theology”
Respondent: Shandra E. Lamaute, DPhil student Archaeology, University of Oxford
November 8*
6:30–8 pm in the Media, Arts, Data, and Design (MADD) Center, Crerar Library
Virtual Reality Panel with artist Snow Yunxue Fu (NYU), computer scientist Pedro Lopes (UChicago), and art historian Lisa Zaher (UChicago/SAIC)
*Please note that this meeting takes place on a Friday.
Co-sponsored with Digital Media Workshop
November 13
Lex Ladge, PhD student, Department of Art History
“Local and Imperial Identities at the ‘Amfiteatro Campano’ in Capua”
Respondent:Roko Rumora, PhD student, Department of Art History
December 4
Felix Szabo, PhD candidate, Department of History
“Proximity, Patronage, and Power in the Tenth-century Limburg Staurotheke”
Respondent: May Peterson, PhD student, Department of Art History
December 6*
12:30–2 pm
Charlotte Denoël, Chief Curator of Medieval Manuscripts, Bibliothèque nationale de France and Isabelle Marchesin, Conseillère scientifique, Institut national d’histoire de l’art
“The Performative Codex: The Gellone Sacramentary”
*Please note that this meeting takes place on a Friday.
Co-sponsored with Medieval Studies Workshop
January 8
Benjamin Diego, PhD Student, Art History
“History Embodied: Entombing the Past in Late Medieval Toledo”
Respondent: Carly Boxer, PhD Candidate, Art History
January 22
Laura R. Bevilacqua, PhD student, Classics
“The thread of fate in Posidippus’ funerary epigrams (P. Mil. Vogl. VIII 309, 45; 46; 49; 55.)”
Respondent: Bermet Nishanova, PhD Student, Art History
January 29
W. J. T. Mitchell, Gaylord Donnelley Distinguished Service Professor, Departments of English, Art History, and Visual Arts
“Metapictures Cloud Atlas”
Respondent: Matthew Jesse Jackson, Associate Professor of Art History, Visual Arts and the College; Chair, Department of Visual Arts
February 5
Mock CAA panel, 12–1:30 pm, CWAC 157
Savannah Esquivel, “Colonial Ghosts: Silences and (In)visibilities in Sixteenth Century New Spain” (15 mins)
Tingting Xu, “Penetrating Temporality: Thinking about the Internal Histories of Nineteenth-century Chinese Photography” (15 mins)
Maggie Borowitz, “‘El cuerpo de verdad’: the bodily, bodilessness, and the feminist body politic” (15 mins)
Zsofi Valyi-Nagy, “‘Every Bar You’ve Ever Been Into’: Haptics, Memory, and Motional Empathy in Paula Dawson’s Holograms” (15 mins)
February 19
Yifan Zou, PhD Student, Art History
“Incorporating mountains for understanding man-made counterparts in Teotihuacan’s ceremonial heart”
Respondent: Claudia Brittenham, Associate Professor of Art History and the College
March 11
Stefanie Proksch-Weilguni (PhD Candidate, eikones – Center for the Theory and History of the Image, University of Basel | Visiting Student, University of Chicago)
“Maria Lassnig: Experiments with the Body and the Camera”
Respondent: Katerina Korola, PhD Candidate, Cinema and Media Studies & Art History
April 15
Maggie Borowitz, PhD Candidate, Art History, University of Chicago
“Magali Lara’s Flower Pictures, or: ‘The most conventional thing in the world’”
Respondent: Adriana Obiols Roca, PhD Student, Art History, University of Chicago
April 29
Bermet Nishanova, PhD Student, Art History, University of Chicago
“Within Context: Chinese Paintings as Genres in the Timurid and Safavid Periods”
Respondent: Alice Casalini, PhD Student, Art History, University of Chicago
May 13
Andrew Hamilton, Associate Curator of Arts of the Americas, Art Institute of Chicago; Rhoades Visiting Lecturer, Department of Art History, University of Chicago
“Life and Death in an Andean River: The Making of Ancestors on a Lambayeque Vessel.”
Respondent: Claudia Brittenham, Associate Professor of Art History and the College
June 3
Victoria Andrews, PhD Student, History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University
“The Female Figures in the Margin of the Devasano Pado.”
Respondent: Andrew Ollett, Assistant Professor, South Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago