Welcome back to the new year! Please find below the winter schedule for R&P, with some titles forthcoming. Please also note that contra the department calendar, our special workshop has been rescheduled to 2/27.
*Tuesday,* January 21st – Rebekah Spearman (UChicago)
Title TBD
Thursday, January 30th – Harriet Flower (Princeton)
“Augustus and the Roman Triumph”
Thursday, February 20th – Marcos Gouvea (UChicago)
“What We Talk About When We Talk About Homer (in English)”
Thursday, February 27th – Special Workshop Event
Lyric{s}Paces: Inaugural Meeting
[Please Note: “Weird Things I’ve Thought Of: A Workshop for Idiosyncratic Ideas” will be rescheduled for next quarter.]
Thursday, March 5th – Jordan Johansen (UChicago)
Title TBD
Thursday, March 12th – Jennifer Weintritt (Northwestern)
“Ut Scriptor Cyclicus Olim: Horace on Adaptation and the Epic Cycle”
All talks will take place as usual in Classics 21 at 3:30pm, and will be followed by a lively reception. Looking forward to seeing you there!