Spring Schedule, 2018

Rhetoric & Poetics Spring Schedule 2018

March 27 –– Shadi Bartsch-Zimmer (Helen A. Regenstein Distinguished Service Professor of Classics and the Program in Gender Studies, UChicago), “Aeneas dissimulans and the politics of fiction”) N.B. This meeting will take place on a Monday

April 5 –– Irene Peirano Garrison (Associate Professor of Classics, Yale), “Epic demagoguery: Virgil’s rewriting of the Homeric council”

April 19 –– Andrew Riggsby (Lucy Shoe Meritt Professor in Classics, Professor of Art History, UT Austin), “Archival Order and the Image of Power”

May 3 –– Kate Miller (PhD student in Classics, UChicago), TDB

May 31 –– Rik Peters (PhD Student in Classics and the Committee on Social Thought, UChicago), “Thaumatophobia in Hellenistic historiography and philosophy”

*All meetings will take place at 3:30pm in Classics 21 and will be followed by a reception. 

Winter Schedule 2018

Rhetoric & Poetics Winter Schedule, 2018

January 11 –– Stephen Kidd (Robert Gale Noyes Assistant Professor of Classics, Brown University), “Play and Aesthetics in Ancient Greece”

January 25 –– Amber Ace (PhD Student in Classics, UChicago), “How (not) to not fear death: the ulterior motives of Epicurean arguments against the fear of death”

February 8 –– Rosalie Stoner, (PhD Student in Classics, UChicago), “Cicero, Critic and Teacher: An Analysis of Teaching in the Orator”

February 22 ––  Jenna Sarchio, (PhD Student in Classics, UChicago), TBD

All meetings will take place on Thursday at 3:30pm in Classics 21 and will be followed by a reception.

The Rhetoric & Poetics Workshop Presents:
“An incurable misanthrope? 
Biography as reading in the case of Heraclitus”
Luke Parker
PhD Student, 
Classics and Social Thought

Thursday, November 16 at 3:30pm
Classics 21
A light reception will follow. 
The Rhetoric & Poetics Workshop Presents:
““Boethius’ Amor Naturalis
The Cosmic Rule of Elemental Love.”
David Orsbon
PhD Student, 
Comparative Literature and Classics
Tuesday, October 31* at 3:30pm
Classics 21
A light reception will follow. 
*Please note that this talk with take place on a Tuesday
 instead of our ordinary Thursday meeting time!