In our first meeting of the Lyric Spaces reading group (now suspended due to COVID-19) we read Simonides’ Danae Fragment (543 Page). See this handout from Aoidoi for the Greek text with lots of helpful notes. Don Harmon has since produced the following...
In these dark times, join our informal Homer discussion group. We will meet over Zoom, usually every week, for about an hour. Times may vary to accommodate different time zones and to give everyone a chance to join in on the fun! Come meet new colleagues, and invite...
*Inaugural Meeting* Classics 21, Thurs 27 February 3.30-5ish This informal seminar seeks to provoke writers and scholars from across the University by asking them to respond to a lyric poem from antiquity. We hope such responses may take the form of collaborative...
OMEROS David Wray and Chris Faraone are offering a reading group dedicated to Derek Walcott’s Omeros. Meetings, at 3:30 in Classics 21, are as follows: Thu Oct 10: Book 1 Thu Nov 14: Books 2 and 3 TUE Nov 26: Books 4 and 5 Thu Dec 5: Books 6 and...