Ricardo Quineche

“Training is my anchor, my fuel,

my medicine, my release,

my essential” (Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson)


My passion for health and fitness started when I was 16 years old. My first (Gold’s) gym membership was a gift from my parents after I was accepted into college. Since then, to exercise six days per week became part of my life. Working out has helped me to cope with stress and to develop discipline, consistency, commitment and patience.

Current training program: 

  • Leg day: Monday and Thursday
  • Push day (Chest, shoulders and triceps): Tuesday and Friday
  • Pull day (Back and biceps): Wednesday and Saturday

Current daily intake of calories:  2800

Supplements: MyProtein USA

Use Code: VITVIP for 40% OFF 

Recommendations: If you are interested in learning more about training and dieting, I highly recommend you watch the videos made by:

Some of my favorite videos are the following:




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