Robert E. Lucas, Jr.



    • What Was the Industrial Revolution?,” NBER Working Paper Series No. 23547 (2017): Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research. Journal of Human Capital, (2018), 12 (2), 182-203.
    • Learning, Career Paths, and the Distribution of Wages,” with Santiago Caicedo and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, NBER Working Paper Series No. 22151 (2016): Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research. Forthcoming in “Macroeconomics,” American Economic Journal, (January 2019),
      11(1), 49-88.
    • Liquidity Crises,” with Nancy L. Stokey, Economic Policy Papers 11-3 (2011), Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
    • Models of Idea Flows,” with Fernando E. Alvarez and Francisco J. Buera; NBER Working Paper Series No. 14135 (2008); Cambridge: National Bureau of Economic Research.
    • “The Industrial Revolution: Past and Future,” in R. E. Lucas, Jr.: Lectures on Economic Growth; Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press, (2002) pp. 109-88
    • Making a Miracle,” Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, (1993) 61(2), pp. 251-72.
    • “World Real Interest Rates: Comment,” in O. J. Blanchard and S. Fischer: NBER Macroeconomics Annual (1990), Cambridge, Mass. and London: MIT Press, (1990) pp. 69-73.
    • Theorie Der Konjunkturzyklen, Regensburg: Transfer-Verl., (1989).
    • Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics, with Nancy L. Stokey; Cambridge, Mass. and London: Harvard University Press, (1989).
    • Modelos De Ciclos Econ�micos, with Gonzalo Rodr�guez Prada; Alianza Universidad, Econom�a 529; Madrid: Alianza, (1988).
    • Models of Business Cycles, Yrj� Jahnsson Lectures; Oxford, UK: Cambridge Mass. USA, (1987).
    • “La Monnaie Et L’int�r�t Sous Contrainte De Transaction (Money and Interest in a Cash-in-Advance Economy, with English Summary),” with Nancy L. Stokey, Annales d’Economie et de Statistique, (1987) (8), pp. 1-26.
    • “On the Mechanics of Economic Development,” Chung-Hua Series of Lectures by Invited Eminent Economists No. 12; Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan: Institute of Economics Academia Sinica, (1986); also published as Discussion paper no. 657; Kingston, Ontario: Institute for Economic Research Queen’s University, (1986).
    • “Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy in an Economy without Capital,” with Nancy L. Stokey; Discussion Paper No 532 (1982), Northwestern Center for Mathematical Studies in Economics and Management Science.
    • “Optimal Investment with Rational Expectations,” Robert E. Lucas, Jr., in R. E. Lucas, Jr. and T. J. Sargent: Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press (1981), pp. 55-66.
    • “Distributed Lags and Optimal Investment Policy,” Robert E. Lucas, Jr., in R. E. Lucas, Jr. and T. J. Sargent: Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, (1981), pp. 39-54.
    • Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice. Robert E. Lucas, Jr. and Thomas J. Sargent; Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press (1981).
    • Studies in Business-Cycle Theory. Robert E. Lucas, Jr.; MIT Press (1981).
    • “Rules, Discretion and the Role of the Economic Advisor,” Robert E. Lucas, Jr., in S. Fischer: Rational Expectations and Economic Policy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, (1980).
    • After Keynesian Macroeconomics,” Robert E. Lucas, Jr. and Thomas J. Sargent; Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, (1979), 3(2), pp. 1-16.
    • Unemployment Policy,” Robert E. Lucas, Jr.; American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings of the Ninetieth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, (1978), 68 (2), pp. 353-57.

Additional works forthcoming.

Please note that for copyright reasons, some of the works linked here are available through institutional (library or academic) access or journal subscription only. Direct links are provided where possible.

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