
Welcome! Here you can find my CV and résumé and information about projects I’m currently working on.







A little about me:

I grew up in India, and attended Sahyadri School and UWC Mahindra College. At 18, I moved to Northfield, MN to pursue my undergraduate studies at Carleton College, then worked as a Research Assistant at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, and then arrived at the University of Chicago to get my PhD in Economics. 

Driven by the desire to make an impact, I dig deep for information, wrangle data, glean insights, and develop high-quality evidence-based publications and resources for business and policy applications.

Currently, I balance research projects in areas ranging from health policy in India, household water use in Zambia, and sepsis treatment protocols in Chicago. Across all contexts and applications, I strive to tell a story that translates statistics to an actionable strategy.

Between successfully obtaining research grants, conducting field research and data collection, and instructing undergraduates and MBA students, I have learned to effectively communicate and collaborate with diverse audiences, manage multiple stake-holders, and maintain project budgets and timelines. However, I remain an eternal student of human and market behavior.

I am currently based in Norfolk, VA, and welcome opportunities for teaching, research, and consulting in the DC-MD-VA region.